8. Coming out Pt.1

426 14 39

TWs: Homophobia, Transphobia, Abuse, Knives, Panic Attack, Mental Breakdown, 

angst warning :))

(Ranboo POV)

I woke up early, and just thought of all my possibilities of what could happen.
I could just come out today, surely she wouldn't turn crazy enough to kick me out or hurt me in any way, right? I mean after all, I am still her child at the end of the day.

Thoughts and possibilities ran through my head, lightning fast, cause me a lot worries. I know for a fact that I want to do it today, but it's just the "how will I say it" and "what is the outcome going to be"

I didn't notice I was crying until Tommy woke up and stared at me. 
"You good?.."
"Hmm, what?"
"Dude, you're crying, what do you mean 'what'?"
"Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I got wrapped up in my thoughts again.."

Nice one, self. Smooth. He doesn't even believe yo-

"It's okay, it's okay. What were you thinking about?.."
"Just my mother, and how I think I am going to come out today... But I'm not sure, it seems scary."
"Hey, you'll be okay, don't worry."
He smiled at me, which made me feel so much better.

(Tommy POV)

Some weird gut feeling of mine is just repeatedly saying

I swear to FUCKING god if my gut is right, I will just hug Ranboo for as long as I can, and get that abusive bitch arrested.

I went over to them and hugged them. They seemed startled, but gave in after a minute and hugged back. We stayed like this for roughly 30 minutes, until Wilbur came in to see if we were awake.
(A/N: platonically, i swear if i see anyone ship the-)

"Hey guys, Tubbo awake?"
Tubbo just groaned and hid under their blankets.
"Okkkay, well that answers that. Anyways, Ranboo, your mom is probably going to want you back pretty soon, so you should get packing and eat. Phil said you should at least leave around noon so she won't get mad."
They nodded.

We finished packing then headed down for breakfast. Tubbo was still half asleep and really grumpy, which made all of us laugh. 

"I don't want any bacon....." Tubbo said, tiredly.
"But there isn't any bac-" Ranboo started.
"I said I don't want any. And if you give me some, I will fucking s k i n  y o u."

At around 11:30, Ranboo was about to leave. 
"Hey uhm... at least be on standby? Just.. y'know.. in case.." Ranboo said, worried.
"Don't worry, we will. Good luck, you'll do great." I said, and gave them a reassuring smile.
"Bye guys..!"
"Bye!!" We waved.

"I'm going to be completely honest, I have a feeling something is going to wrong..." I said quietly, looking at Ranboo go down the streets from the window.

(Ranboo POV)

I walked to the coffee shop to grab something before I went to my mother, just to wake me up more.

After, I went home, still being nervous.
"Heyy mom, I'm back."
"Hey Mark. Did you ever get the beers?"
"No, I'm underage, they wouldn't allow me to. But, there is something I want to tell you.."
I could tell my mom had the "ew omg tell me of all people something? i bet it's gross" look, at least as I call it.

I quickly texted Tubbo and Tommy that I was starting now.
"Okay so.. How do I say this.. I've... hmmm."
I saw my mom glance at the knives, which just made my anxiety peak.
It's too late now.

"I.. I've.-"
"Just say it, it can't be THAT bad."
"..I've been sorta.. exploring my.. self expression?"
"Okay and? What are you, emo? I don't care, honey. Dress however you want."
"No, I just think that I might go by different pronouns..? Maybe they/them being a part of i-"

She shuffled her way to closer to the knives.
"No, you don't. You are ONE person, and you are going to stay with JUST your assigned pronouns, okay?"
"B-but I can't change that.. And also I've been thinking about my sexuality too-"

She grabbed it.
"About that...."
A knife flew past my head and launched into the wall, cutting a bit of my check as it went.
"You're crazy..."
She launched another one, obviously aiming for my neck, but I moved away from it in time. 

She slapped me across the face and grabbed the last two knives. Quickly, I ran up to the closet in my room and locked the door before she could do anything else. I knew she was going to follow. In the moment, I texted them saying "SHOE".

Sitting there, I remembered that she has a knife sharpener and more knives that were being cleaned. 

Please guys, get here fast. She's lost it...

All of the possibilities of what she is able to do started flying through my head.

(Tommy POV)


"Tubbo, call the police, I'll tell Phil and start heading over to their house. Got it?"
They nodded. 

5 minutes later, I told Dadza and he agreed to drive us. Tubbo called the police and they were still on the phone until we were almost at their house. 

I texted Ranboo:
me: hey we're almost there, where are you
ranboo: closet, it's locked.
ranboo: she started throwing knives at the door
me: is she close to getting to you, are you still safe?
ranboo: for now. she is downstairs sharpening knives, i can here it
ranboo: tommy, i'm scared.
me: we are here and i hear the police down the street you're going to be safe soon. i promise.
me: police are here, don't worry.
ranboo: she's coming back
me: theyre entering in. i'm coming in too, see you soon.

anyways yeah, SUFFER (/j) >:D
(also sorry for constantly making short chapters, pretty soon I'll start making them longer, i promise. i just don't know how to make longer without making them too long or too short so idk, hopefully they'll be longer :D)

have a great day, stay safe, eat, drink water, do whatever you need to do. you are cared for and loved!! bye!! <3

- 1040 words :)

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