Chapter 10

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'Valentine's day was easy for single people said no one ever' was every single persons thought and for never having a relationship to begin with evelyn found it twice as hard a lot of single people knew what it felt like to be in a relationship even if there not in one now but evelyn she hadn't even experienced her first kiss let alone a relationship, she saw couple being all lovey dovey and she couldn't help but envy them. All she wanted was for a guy to take interest in her ever since middle school she hoped that one day she would be cared for, loved, appreciated but she never got any of that.

and her mothers behavior didn't help her in the future. Her mother despised all men after her fathers passing, told Evelyn they only wanted to use her, that they didn't care about her but what was between her legs, the only boy she was allowed to be around was her brother, he always tried to convince Evelyn that she was better than how her mother described her. He was the best brother a girl could ask for.

She was majorly jealous as she walked into work that morning, delivery guys dropping of flowers, chocolats and gifts to women and men in the building and there she was envying lives of people she didn't know. Sighing she stepped unhappily into the elevator right next to a flower delivery thankfully he gotten of at the second floor. She silently walked to her desk not even her heels made a noise she was dressed in her  'anti-valentines day' aperall, wearing a black blouse black skirt tights and shoes she avoided any colour related to valentines day.

Sitting down at her desk she took notice of a bouquet of flowers and box of chocolates sitting at her desk. Looking at the beautiful flowers she took a snif of one she loved the smell. Pickingb up the arrangement and chocolates she carried them to her boses door knocking with her elbow as her hands were full

"enter" he spoke on the other end concentrating on what the finance department had sent him and plans for the company holiday which was months away but he had to be prepared.

"good morning sir" she spoke walking in and towards him. Hearing something being put down on his desk he looked towards the items

"I think these were delived for you," she said enviously 'he must have the best girlfriend or boyfriend ever'

Looking at the items confused he was unsure of what to do, or how to explain,hed never done something so reckless but he wouldn't change his actions. He for once was out of words in his mind and spoken, he wasn't much of a talked but this silence was sure to seem odd.

"uhm why don't you take them, im illergic to those types of flowers and don't eat chocolate" he said the first words that came to mind he just couldn't explain without sounding weird.

"oh, are you sure sir?" she said confused looking at the flowers and chocolates they looked very expensive and like they were for him specially that someone had taken precious time out of their day for him.

"yes, positive. Oh and you may leave early if you wish as it is valentines day I fully understand if you have a date to get to" he said softly careful to not scare her which he realsed he done a lot with his tone of voice sometimes but he also felt jealous for someone he didn't know even existed.

"oh I have nowhere to be sir im happy working regular hours" she said picking the things up

"I almost forgot to tell you at the end of the month there is a company retreat I have sent the notices to you, if you could please send them to everyone the group email is attached and will need to be removed" he spoke politely

"ill get right on that" she said backing away from his desk
"just to be clear your invited too" he said clearing up any confusion he may have caused

"of course sir I'll get right on it oh and you have a meeting at three which you can't hold off any longer" she said nearly out the room.

"thank you" he said just before she left.

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