Chapter 11

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They had arrived at the bar it was not at all fancy like she thought it would be as he seemed more of a fancy drinker, but it was more of a dive bar, but she was in need of a drink more than questioning a rich persons taste in bars.

Pulling into a parking space he turned the engine off and got out. Following suit, she also got out and followed him into the dive bar. Sitting at the bar on a stool next to him she watched as he orders a whisky neat before turning to her.

"What?" she asked innocently confused her head still in the clouds and thoughts swirling around her brain.

"What would you like to drink?" he asked in a surprisingly soft tone.

"Uh tequila," she said deciding on something that would make her forget quicker.

As the bartender made their drinks he loosened his tie meanwhile Evelyn was unsure of what to do with herself.

Soon the drinks were served drinking the tequila shots quickly out of awkwardness she soon became lightheaded. Ignoring it she ordered more meanwhile Theo had moved onto his second whisky but felt no effects.

Downing her drinks, she soon becomes looser.

Leaning over the table she poked Theo's arm as she spoke.

"-all she says is repent and confess little does she know in not Christ I don't do Jesus he's not my type" she slurred messing some words up.

"-But you wanna know, you wanna know what I say to that fuck you, I can support who I want to I could be Buda I could be India but no I'm no religion I'm religion less and happy that way" she complained

"she doesn't understand, no she doesn't, you have a cute chin" she trailed off looking at his face reaching up she poked his chin dimple taking him by surprise.

"What do you use on your skin it's so soft" she murmured.

"Where was I ah yes clowns why are their noses red, like, like they could be any color like blue or purple, did you know I like purple especially lilac it's such a pretty color" she trailed off once more.

A smile graced Theo's face at all her subject changes and how she thought she was tough speaking against the chair she was rocking in and almost fell off.

"You know Mr. Williams my friend Julia thinks you're hot, don't get any ideas mister she's married," she said quickly.

"What do you think?" he asked genuinely curious.

"Well Mr. Williams I won't disagree with her but meh" she shrugged.

"Meh?" he asked teasingly.

"Well, you have a cute chin, your eyes are chocolate color your hair looks so soft I just want to pet it," she said listing the good characteristics

"And the bad?" he asked curiously.

"You, you scare me, I don't like that" she whispers as if it's a secret.

"I don't mean to scare you," he said back ashamed slightly.

"I don't mind, I just worry that all that scariness will make you a monster, you're too cute to be a monster your also tall, so tall I'm 5'6 yet you're a mountain, the wait is you mount Everest in disguise, don't worry I won't tell" she ram led off again.

This was the most that anyone had ever spoken to him in one day and it felt less lonely.

"I wish you would talk to me more," he said knowing she wouldn't remember.

"As you're a lightweight can I tell you a secret?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm great at secret-keeping, I never told anyone about dropping the carton of eggs in the middle of the grocery store when I was ten,"

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