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Hello, everyone! After almost 200 years, I am back. I tell you what, so many things happened for those past years. Amongst those things for sure was forgetting to update even one of my story. I know guys - I was and am angry at myself, too, for having such a long-ass hiatus. But, hey, there were some other good things with it. If you don't mind me sharing, I am now a Medical Student...Junior Clerk. This is the main reason why I was absent for a LONG period of time. To focus on finishing medicine. Right now, since it is currently our summer vacation AND with this pandemic going on (preference of staying at home than going out), you can say that I have some free time in my hand (or just procrastinating, you may never know). So, going back to my archives, I've decided, "Why not go back to writing?" Though, forgive me if ever you find my grammar worsened. After all, it's been a long time since I continued writing fanfictions.

Enough with the blabbering, I will do my best to edit my stories before school starts. Oh and also, I have two additional stories here with me: one is finished (Captain America), yet in dire need of editing and proofreading; and the other one (another The Hobbit), I am still working on it at the moment. If you'd like me to show you one, then let me know guys and I would gladly post them here.

With all the love,

A. Luthien

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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