2. Legends Be Like

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(3rd POV) 

Gandalf explained to the companions what will happen along the way. Thorin was likely be the most shocked among the 13 of them. He was surely not expecting this from Gandalf. Thorin took time to respond, still searching for some hints if Gandalf was tricking them but as what Gandalf looks like, he wasn't.  

"But that is entirely impossible! It was only a mere story. They do not exist anymore. Not in this world." 

"Exactly, Thorin. The prophecy is not of ours. Assuming that all of us had heard this story, she was sent to the other dimension by her father, Michael the leader of all Archangels. She's an Ethelion, a half elf half angel. Apart from that, any information from them remained unknown." 

"Their race faded to extinction. No one survived the purge. And the angels departed to their dwelling, none ever came back. It happened thousands of centuries ago Gandalf, it's impossible." Thorin complained.

"Gandalf is precisely right, laddie. I once heard of it when I was young. The time will come of her arrival and regarding of what Gandalf said, it'll be tomorrow" Balin added.  

"Is she beautiful?" 

"A woman perhaps?" [No Shit.]

Fili and Kili inserted, earning a glare from their uncle.  

"We shall see it by tomorrow." 

Bilbo, Gandalf and the dwarves sat in silence, not knowing how to process the information. In Thorin's mind, a woman will just slow them and especially she's a half elf just made him feel disapproved. They know what level of hatred he has towards the elves.  

But the fact that they were fated to meet the child of prophecy and will help them on their way to claim Erebor, a slight change on his mind was changed.  

The dwarves gathered in Bilbo's living room, smoking their pipes by the fire. They all begin humming, and soon Thorin began to sing, and the others join him. Gandalf listened from nearby; Bilbo listened from his bedroom. 

"Far over the misty mountains cold 

To dungeons deep and caverns old 

We must away ere break of day 

To find our long-forgotten gold

The pines were roaring on the height 

The winds were moaning in the night 

The fire was red, it flaming spread 

The trees like torches blazed with light" 


(Amira's POV) 

Something doesn't seem normal at all. I remember my bed to be soft and comfortable but judging how I stirred constantly from left to right, it feels like I'm on a soil ground. And it smells like one too. I opened my eyes and all of a sudden, a ray of sunlight beamed right into my face.  

The cold breath of the wind swayed against my skin but it didn't bothered me that much. Soon, my sight was back into its usual view and I saw trees, bushes, leafy ground. My eyes shot open. How on earth did I end up here? Was I drunk last night?  

Looking down, I was surprised that I was wearing an ombre dress (white to light brown) that almost showed off my cleavage and a brown medieval boots. This is the worst combination I've ever worn in my my entire life. I look like a HOBO! What the actual fuck? This is too dangerous, I was in the middle of the forest and who knows there might be a wild animal or worst, a rapist. [Her outfit ->]

Ethelion: Of ProphecyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora