5. Jealousy Sparks

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(Thorin's POV) 

Our companion advanced to the cave nearby. It was not that far from the place we've been. As their leader, my mind needs to be focused and alarmed but my mind couldn't get off by what Amira did last night.  

Breaking off the thought, we entered the large cave. It was full of treasure the trolls have been hoarding. A pungent smell greeted our way, making us coughed and retched in distaste.  

"Holy mother of stench!" Amira immediately covered her nose. I did not understand what she was saying. It was probably an expression from her world that she usually used in speaking. In my assumption, she didn't like it much.  

We were all amazed and forgot about the troll hoard when piles of gold, coins and other treasures packed in caskets, were revealed. All of us continued exploring, Amira and Gandalf were right across of me. My eyes scrunched up at the swords covered in cobwebs. 

"These swords were not made by any troll," I said, examining, not caring at the stuck webs on my finger tips. Gandalf took a step forward handing one sword to him.  

"Nor they were made by any smith among men" Gandalf added.  

Amira kept her gaze on the sword that was in Gandalf's clasp then he spoke, "These were forged in Gondolin by the High Elves of the first age," She didn't blink once.  

Realizing that they were Elven swords, I put it away in disgust but not until Gandalf stopped me, "You could not wish for a finer blade"  

Reluctantly, I gripped on to the sword and draw it out of its sheath a few inches as well. I clenched my teeth for he was right. In defeat, I tied it down around my belt line.  

Gandalf sighed exasperatedly while Amira just kept on looking at me. Not in a judgmental way, I either could not explain what. It was a look which sent tingles from end to end of my body.  

Did I not say that she was the most beautiful being that I've ever laid my eyes upon? The fact that she was an elf didn't matter to me anymore. She was brimming with utter beauty and mystery. A beautiful mystery. It was unconceivable even in my mind.  

The moment was broken when her eyes darted out at no certain direction and her brows frowned. She arched back and her hand stretched out. She wanted to fly again.  

I noticed it happens to her once a day hence; I concluded that her wings needed to be out at least once a day. It seems to appear that I was the only one who paid attention to it.  

Worrying of her uncomfortable shifting, I brought myself forth closer to her, "Go, you need it" 

She breathed out heavily and said, "Thank you!" With that, she sprinted outside.  

My attention was bothered by something else. It was something what the lads was buying under the ground. Then I called to them, again, advancing forward. "Let's get out of this foul place. Come on, let's go. Bofur, Gloin, Nori."  

Walking outside, I saw Amira on her full wings. It was such impossible that a beauty like hers to exist even if she was from another world different from us.  

Both of my nephews were talking to her inaudibly. Fili was staring worriedly at her. Had I gained an adversary or two? Or worst than that, Fili and Kili. Glowering down, I mentally shook my head for my feelings were mostly impossible to be returned by her. It was obvious that she's closely drawn to one of my nephews.  

What intrigued me the most was when she kissed each of their foreheads before drifting up, leaving a flushed Fili and now a worried Kili. It seems likely that both of them have feelings towards her. Amira left a great effect towards us, like how a siren would lure a man using her enchanting features.  

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