3. Right in the Feels

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[Thorin ->]

We've been staying here for a couple of hours. I've tried to communicate with every single one of them, cause you never know what happens next but in my position and current location, of course I know.

Except for Thorin though. I'm afraid I might die if I'll hear him calling my name. I was mentally stabbing myself in the ovaries just because I can feel his stares at me. I've avoided myself to look at him or talk to him at any possible chance that I could get.

I've gotten pretty close to Kili and Fili. They're like awesome brothers I wish I have. The longer we talk and laugh the more intense glares I get from Thorin. Does he want to barbecue me or something?

We were talking random stuffs at the fireplace. Not to mention Thorin was majestically sleeping not too far away from me. What about, I'll say majestically whenever I describe Thorin? That'll be good! It suits him even more!

I was about to sleep when I heard a scream in the night air. Orcs. Bilbo was startled as ran over to Kili and Fili.

"What was that?" Bilbo worriedly asked. Then there was another scream again.

"Orcs." Kili responded.

The majestically sleeping Thorin jerked away the moment he heard 'orcs'

Bilbo was confused what an orc is. The amazingly brilliant brothers started scaring Bilbo off with information but were the truths and decided to make it as a joke. I know what will happen after this so I just rolled my eyes on them.

"You think that is funny? You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" Thorin was deeply upset by their 'jokes'

"We didn't...mean anything by it"

What I did is, I transferred next to between Fili and Kili and rubbed his hand with an assuring smile that it's okay. Kili smiled back and placed his hand on top of mine. Thorin stormed off to the edge of the cliff and looked out over the valley; Balin walked up to us.

"Don't mind him, laddie. Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs. After the dragon took the Lonely Mountain, King Thror tried to reclaim the ancient dwarf kingdom of Moria. But our enemy had got there first."

Balin was the calmest dwarf among the companion. Like whenever someone's down or feel really depressed, he'll be the perfect one to seek for advices.

Balin told us the story about Thorin's past and how their kingdom was lost. I've heard about it for like 3 times. No, this is the 4th time. Then after the story, Thorin majestically turned away from the view beyond the cliff; the entire Company was already awake and standing in awe, staring at him aside from me. I might burst out laughing by doing so. Aye, I'm a weird girl. Thorin majestically walked between them toward the fire. Bilbo asked what happened to the pale orc but in Thorin's theory, he believed that he was long dead.

I looked away, meeting the gazes of Balin and Gandalf at the same time. Only the three of us knew that Azog was still alive and still pale as ever. I remembered that this was the moment where in the movie, there was some orcs watching them during their stay. I glared at that place then looked, that might give the orcs a hint.

I'm afraid that if I sleep, my wings would suddenly flap out and disrupt Fili and Kili in their sleep. Yeah, I sleep with them. NOT IN THAT WAY! NO!!! I couldn't betray my majestically hot THORIN!!! Okay back to the point, I stayed up, just staring at the sky.

"A lady like you must not stay up late especially alone in this area."



I just....cannot formulate an expression using tangible words from any language that would even begin to express how much I was dying inside.

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