9. (Script) Of Wind and Fire

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It's been what? Like almost a year since I haven't talked to anyone!!! And for that I am deeply sorry. 

News: I'm in College (Freshman) now and it was not as easy as I thought it was and I've been very busy and doing "A LOT" of school paperworks and exams for the past months. So yeah I have no time to continue with my stories which very frustrating for me. 

Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 won't be a real chapter! (I still have exams tomorrow and haven't studied yet, not even a bit, because of writing this. PROCRASTINATION FTW!!) 

Yeah. I'm dead. 

Totally dead. 

Guys, the two chapters will stay as scripts FOR NOW. I just want you guys to get a "sneak peak" of the things I wanted to put for the chapter and if you have complains, comments, ideas, etc for these 2 chapters then let me know. Just comment below and I'll add/fix them for you.

Feel free okay? Don't be shy :D If you feel that the story is wrong or weird then tell me what you want me to change then I'll willingly do it for you. :)

Also, you might find the grammar very disturbing or very fucked up or just wrong or whatever it is because this is just some of my ideas to put in the actual chapter.Like I said, I just wanted to share it with you (If you want though)

Thank you so much for those who waited and kept reading my stories even though I usually take a bloody century to update each of my fanfics. I appreciate your patience and understanding guys.   

Again, I'm really sorry! I hope you'll forgive me D':

Okay here goes nothing! :D


2 days have passed since Amira fell unconscious; 2 days have passed since Thorin didn't leave her side. He was always there, hoping that someday the love of his life would wake up. The company started worrying not only for Amira but also for Thorin for he had not eaten anything, he had been waiting by Amira's side, refusing to let go of her delicate hands.  

"Amira. Love. Please wake up. Please, I need you. I could bear the idea of losing you. You are my life. Without you, my life will be meaningless. You are the one who brought me happiness, courage and hope when none seems to be possible."  

Thorin caressed the softness of her hair. It was painful for Thorin to see Amira in her state. He believed it was his fault why it ended up badly to her. If only he didn't go to Gandalf, If only he didn't leave her alone in the woods, none of these would've happened.  

"I love you Amira. I want you to be strong, for me, for Kili and Fili, for the companion. Please come back to me." Again, he kissed Amira's hand ever so gently as if it was a much delicate flower.  

Gandalf and Elrond were watching Thorin from afar. Both were extremely worried and confused what was happening.  

"Thorin hasn't left her side since." Gandalf sighed in sadness. 

"Indeed he hasn't." Elrond said.  

Then there was a silence. It was not an awkward one but rather, a bewildering one. Elrond began doubting if his speculations were true.  

When Elrond was about to heal Amira, he felt a sudden overwhelming aura from her the moment he touched her skin. Elrond thought it was flowing with great immense power and that the aura reminded him of a certain someone. Someone from the past who was known to be the most powerful Ethelion ever lived.  

"I would like to have a word with you privately."  

Gandalf understood the situation and nodded to Elrond. They were walking away to the Rivendell balcony where they had their meeting with Lady Galadriel and Saruman.  

Ethelion: Of ProphecyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz