8. The Unexpected Possession

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*Arda means Earth

*Khaster-Element Wielder/manipulator/bender


**Elohim-The Creator (common tongue: God)

**Lucifer-Former archangel/the first archangel created by Elohim (common tongue: the Devil, Satan)

**Aeledan-Fire/ Air and Fire Wielder.

**Lir-Water Wielder

**Terro-Earth Wielder

**Kane-Aeledan's appretince/angel


O M G 

Oh My God.  



Ye fragments of my exemplary quintessence was capitulated, preferentially, wooed juxtaposition alongside my profoundly resplendent paramour.  

In short, I just had "intimate-session" with Thorin last night. 

Tell you what, that 'revelations' was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. The memory of his kisses and touches burned through my mind and just the memory itself caused my body to tingle in response. There's only one word I could find to describe Thorin's body...SEX. It is already written all over his skin since the day he was born.  

Okay that's just nasty. Babies don't have a 'sex' body.  

"What makes you so happy in this fair morning?" a voice came out from nowhere. It startled me a bit then Kili came out behind a tree, smirking. First of all, how did he know that I was smiling by myself? And second of all, how did he even get here? 

I looked to the ground, smiling at the thought of what makes me happy. "Nothing."  

Strolling around Rivendell while Thorin went out to have a private business talk with Gandalf was not so bad at all. There is much more of Rivendell that it already has. Usually, I don't get to appreciate Rivendell that much because as what they showed in the movie, it only focuses on the hall or the dining room or a balcony but not what's really around it.  

But of course, Peter Jackson won't be wasting the minutes editing the whole scenery of Rivendell, that'd be a huge consume of time.  

"Surely that smile of yours doesn't mean 'nothing'." Kili persistently walked ahead of me. "Come on, tell me." He grabbed me by the hand.  

The bond that Fili, Kili and I share was that kind of sisterly/brotherly love that is full of affection. It was not like Thorin and me. It was rather a unique one. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing more than that. Also, Fili and Kili were the first ones who welcomed me in this world, treated me extra special and most of all, they were the first ones who got to know everything about me in just a day. Like those instant BFFS. 

"Please??" One thing that I hated about Kili was his way to get something if he can't have it. He will pout his lips and give you an innocent puppy look like what he was doing to me recently.  

"Fine! I gave up!" I laughed. "I mean who could resist that eyelash batting of yours anyway?"  

"Hmm...let me guess. My mom and Uncle Thorin." I recalled that Dis, Fili and Kili's mother was like a female version of Thorin. One way or another, I can't wait to meet her someday. "Back to the conversation." Aw man, I thought I lost him.  

"Ok, ok. If you insist." Taking in a deep inhale, I entwined my hands together. "I told him last night."  

"Told who? About what?" His voice changed into the one curious.  

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