The Injury

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"Girls, the second half is about to begin! Come!", the coach suddenly shouts. Jill sighs again and then stands up. She walks with the other girls to the pitch. The referee blows her whistle and then the second half begins. Again Jill plays very well. After a few minutes Viv scored through an assist from her and she makes nice passes again. "Good job Jillie! Thanks for the assist! Well done team!", Viv says happily. "Nice goal Vivie!", Jill smiles. She gives Viv a hug and then walks back to her place.
Jill happily continues playing, she enjoys the feeling of being in the Champions League and being able to play in front of so many people.

But suddenly she sees that a girl from Wolfsburg has the ball and wants to run to their half. Jill runs to her and makes a perfect tackle on the ball but the girl falls over her and lands on the floor with a thud. "Ouch, my ankle!", she sobs. "Oh I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Can I help you?", Jill says worried. She looks at the girl and she sees that it's the same girl she spoke to during the break. Wow, how can I be so dumb to tackle exactly that girl.... Jill thinks. "It's okay, it isn't your fault. You made a perfect tackle on the ball and I was so stupid to fall. But my ankle hurts really bad now", the girl sighs. "Ahhh poor girl, I'm going to help you!", Jill says back softly. She strokes the girl on the back and then yells at the medical team to come.

Some doctors come and check the girl's ankle. "It doesn't look good... It's very red and it's starting to swell", says one of the doctors. The girl looks at Jill and starts to sobbing. "Ahh poor girl, I'm so sorry for you!", whispers Jill softly in her ear. She puts her arm around the girl and starts stroking her back. "You have to come with us Ingrid, you can't keep playing any longer. Just sit on the bench for now, after the game you have to go to the hospital", the doctor continues. So her name is Ingrid... Good to know... Jill thinks.

Ingrid nods and looks at Jill again. Then she starts to cry. "I really want to finish my last season at Wolfsburg, but I can't if I'm injured", she cries. "I totally get that Ingrid! I really feel bad for you. Take my hand, I'll help you walk to the bench, okay?", Jill says softly. "My name is Jill by the way, in case you were wondering", she continues. "Thank you Jill! And as you heard, my name is Ingrid. Thanks a lot for your help! At least you help me... My teammates don't care about me. I'm glad to see that fortunately there are still people who care about me" Ingrid says back and she takes Jills hand. "Ahh, they seriously don't care about you?! You seem like a great girl and a super nice person! And no problem by the way. I can take you to the nearest hospital after the game if you want...", Jill says shyly...

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