The contract

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It's a few days later and Ingrid gets a message from her manager. Quickly she opens it with shaky hands. Will it be about Arsenal?...
"Hey Ingrid, I have good news! Arsenal are  interested in you, they need a new midfielder and they like the way you play! They're happy to hear that you're interested too and hope that they can talk with you today about the deal and your future if that's fine."

Ingrid smiles. She thinks about her future with Arsenal and with Jill... She looks at her and blushes. She never felt so in love than she did right now... "Hey girl, why are you smiling like that? Who's the one who makes you this happy?", Jill giggles. "You of course", Ingrid blushes. "Haha and now the real answer", Jill laughs. "It is the real answer!! You make me smile", Ingrid says shyly. Damn this girl makes her nervous.... "Hahaha you're crazy", Jill giggles. Ingrid blushes again and quickly she replies to her manger. "Of course is that fine! I'm ready for the talk! Can't wait to sign my contract."

She smiles again and stands up. "Jillie, I think that I'm going to get some food for us... But I also want to explore London a bit so it would probably take a little longer as usual. I hope that you don't mind it", Ingrid says slowly. "Without me? I thought you wanted to spend all the time that you had with me", Jill says disappointed. "I want to surprise you with the most special lunch that you'll ever have because you deserve it. And you look very tired so I think it's a better idea to stay at home and let me go now", Ingrid says to comfort Jill. "Okay but try to hurry up, otherwise I will miss my girl too much", Jill says with puppy eyes. "Oh I didn't know that I'm already yours", Ingrid giggles. Jill smirks and winks. Then they share a hug and Ingrid leaves. 

Damn what a good liar am I, but of course I will try to make a great lunch for Jill. Otherwise she would just be too disappointed... That poor girl. I really don't want to see her sad because I love her too much for that... Ingrid thinks whilst she's driving to Arsenal. After a few minutes she arrives and walks inside. "Hey you're Ingrid right?", the manager of the club says. Ingrid nods. "Ah welcome Ingrid! Take a seat and then we can start this conversation", he continues. Ingrid sits down, some other people and people from Wolfsburg walk in and when everyone took a seat they start talking. They talked about her future, the playing style of Arsenal and about the money that Wolfsburg wants to have for her. After a while they're done.

"Okay, I think we've a great deal then and you can sign your contract. Welcome to the family Ingrid!", The manager then says. "Thank you very much! It's a honour to become part of this amazing club", Ingrid says happily.
The manager gives her the contract and she signs it. She smiles for the cameras and takes some pictures. After a while she's done with all the media and she leaves the complex.

As soon as she's outside she sees Lisa standing nearby. "Hey what are you doing here?", Lisa says surprised. "Swear that you're not going to tell this to Jill, It's a surprise for her", Ingrid says strictly. "Of course girl, I want to help you with the surprise for your girl", Lisa giggles. "Nobody said that she was mine but okay haha. I signed a contract with Arsenal. So next season I'll be a part of you guys too", Ingrid says proudly. "Wow no way!! That's great! So happy for you! And what a great surprise for Jill, I'm sure that she will love it. And yeah she's yours, she's in love with you and you're in love with her. I see it in the way you look at each other", Lisa smiles. "Thanks girl!!! And yeah I'm in love with her... I can't lie about that anymore haha. But if she's in love with me... I've got doubts about that", Ingrid sighs. "Of course she is! I can see it girl!! But don't worry everything is gonna be alright, you just have to find the right moment to find it out and maybe ask her", Lisa says calmly.
"Haha I hope she does... I think you're right. But I really have to go now because I promised Jill to make her a special lunch. That poor girl is still waiting for me", Ingrid says quickly. "Hahah that's fine, good luck girl! I'm sure that she'll love it and that she'll love you!", Lisa says happily. "Haha thank you!" Ingrid smiles and walks away.

She goes to a bakery and buys the most delicious things that they have. Some cake, bread, croissants and some donuts. After that she drives as fast as possible back to Jill. "Heyyy darling!! I'm back! Sorry that it took ages, London is just a very beautiful city and I went in every shop but now I'm here. Look what I've bought you!", Ingrid says happily. "INGIEE!! Meisje you're the sweetest I love you so much! Thanks for all of this", Jill says extremely happily and hugs Ingrid. "Come here", she whispers and grabs Ingrid's face and kisses her on the cheek. "Haha ahww I love you too honey", Ingrid smiles. Again she feels the butterflies rising in her stomach. Damn she's so in love... Together they sit down on the couch and Jill puts her arms around Ingrid. "And now I'm not letting you go. I want to have you for my own now", she whispers and kisses Ingrid in her neck.

"Do with me what you want baby", Ingrid smiles. "Can you call me that more often? I really like it", Jill smirks. Ingrid giggles. Together they eat everything that Ingrid bought and then they cuddle again on the couch. After a while Jill puts her hand on Ingrid's arm and starts stroking it. Very slowly she goes down and her hand falls in Ingrid's hand... Carefully they start holding each others hands. Ingrid feels all the butterflies rising again and she can feel her heart beating faster more then ever... Softly she squeezes Jill's hand and smiles. Jill squeezes back and starts to hold Ingrid's hand stronger. "I love you", she whispers...

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