At Jill's house

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It's 2 weeks later and Ingrid has finally been released from the hospital. Together with Jill she's at the door of Jill's house. Jill smiles at her and opens the door. "Welcome to your new home for a few weeks! I'm very happy that you can finally come home with me and that you're feeling a little better!", she walks in with Ingrid and closes the door. "Yes! I can't wait! It's gonna be so fun to live with you!", Ingrid says  enthusiastically. Jill smiles again and gives Ingrid a wink. "Come with me, I'm going to give you a tour of the house", she says then.

Ingrid walks with Jill and Jill shows her all around the house. "You have a nice house Jill! But where is my bedroom? You only showed me your own bedroom..", Ingrid says suddenly. "Oh I completely forgot to say that! If you want you can sleep in my bed together with me. I normally live alone so I don't have a second bedroom. But I do have a double bed... But if you don't want that, then I can also set up an air mattress for you", Jill says shyly back. "No worries, as long as you're okay with that, I'm happy to share", Ingrid smiles. Jill smiles back and winks. Then they walk together to the couch and sit down.

Suddenly Ingrid's phone rings and she quickly picks up. She starts talking in Norwegian and has a short conversation, then hangs up. "Those were my parents", Ingrid giggles as soon as she sees Jill's surprised face. "Ah okay haha. Can you teach me some Norwegian? I really like the language and then I can understand you when you get a call again", Jill grins. "Haha of course I can! What do you want to know?", Ingrid smiles. "What is: "you're my favourite" in Norwegian?", Jill giggles and she winks at Ingrid. "Du er min favoritt", Ingrid winks back at Jill. "Well, du er min favoritt", Jill puts her arm around Ingrid. "Haha ahh, you're cute Jillie. Du er også min favoritt", Ingrid blushes. She gives Jill a hug and kisses her on her cheek.

Jill smiles and  grabs a remote and turns on the TV. Together with Ingrid she watches a number of series. At one point she puts her hand on Ingrid's leg and starts stroking her. Ingrid puts her hand on Jill's and starts playing with her fingers. Jill smiles at Ingrid and blushes. Ingrid looks at Jill's hand and sees that she has a tattoo that reads: "DAJIBO". "What does that tattoo mean?", she then asks. "That tattoo represents my brothers, we all have the same tattoo and every time I look at it I think of them", Jill says back and she shows Ingrid a picture of her brothers. "Ahhw that's cute. Hopefully I can meet them someday", Ingrid smiles. "Haha they are coming here in 2 weeks so you can meet them then", Jill turns off the TV and stands up from the couch.

"It's late, let's go to sleep", she then says. "Yeah good idea. I'm very tired", Ingrid walks to the bedroom with Jill and change clothes. She looks at Jill. Wow she's so pretty in a sports bra with shorts... Her body... She stares at Jill and she feels a weird feeling in her stomach. Jill smiles at her and lies down next to her.

For a long time the two say nothing to each other. But then Ingrid suddenly feels a chill run down her spine and begins to shiver. "Jillie, I'm so cold and I feel me so bad", she whispers . "Do you want me to get you anything?", Jill asks worried.  "No, I just want you", Ingrid says softly back. Jill smiles and comes close. She puts her arms around Ingrid and gives her a kiss in the neck. Ingrid smiles and she relaxes. Then she closes her eyes and falls asleep in Jill's arms...

Bad turns SoftOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora