The call

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"Vivianne, we are really good friends. I really love her in that way and I don't think in another... We're close, that's right, but not in that way as you think...", Jill whispers a little frustrated. "Believe what you want but if I am right you owe me something. I never saw you blushing because of someone Jill, and I have already known you for more than 10 years. I'm sure that you've got feelings for her but you probably don't see it yourself...", Viv says strict.

"Sweetheart shall we go home? My leg starts to hurt and I'm very tired. And I want to spend some time with the two of us", Ingrid interrupted the conversation between Jill and Viv. "Of course darling, I'll drive you home and then I'll go get some food for the two of us so we can have a nice lunch together", Jill smiles. "Ahhh you call each other sweetheart and darling", Lisa giggles. "Lisa shut up!!!", Jill says annoyed. She sighs and walks away with Ingrid.

"As I already told you some days ago, my friends are really annoying sometimes... Don't listen to them, we know better." Jill walks frustrated to the car. "I know girl, don't worry. I think we know better yeah...", Ingrid says slowly. "Of course we do, don't doubt that", Jill laughs. They get in the car and drive back home. "I'm going to get some food now, you can stay here if you want since your leg hurts... I'll be right back", Jill then says. "That's okay I'll stay here, thank you for taking me home", Ingrid smiles. Jill smiles back and leaves.

Meanwhile, Ingrid is thinking about the training. She really likes Arsenal their playing style. They have a great training complex with great players... The team is really nice and to be there with Jill makes her even more happy. After thinking about it for a while she decides to send her manager a message about it. Immediately after he has read Ingrid's message, he calls her.

"Hey Ingrid, tell me more about your situation. I'm glad to hear that you think that you found a good club for yourself as you already told me you really don't like it at Wolfsburg", he says. "Well I'm here with my bestfriend Jill now because I'm injured and I wanted to stay with her in London so I didn't have to go back to Wolfsburg. She took me today to her training, and I really liked it. The training complex is very beautiful and the players are very nice. I like their playing style and I think it suits me... And to be there with Jill makes everything even better", Ingrid replies.

"Ahh that sounds great, you mean Jill Roord right? Yeah she's a great player, how do you know her?", her manager then asks. Ingrid explains the whole situation to her manager and he laughs. "Haha when you talk about her you sound so excited. Is she the real reason why you want to join Arsenal?", he smirks. "Oh well... I really enjoy having her around me and I feel safe when I'm with her, but yeah... I don't think that you can join a club only for 1 person... I think it's only a very big plus if I could play with her..", Ingrid stutters. "Haha everything is possible as long Arsenal is interested in you. It's sounds like you're very in love with her... Excuse me when I'm wrong but I have never heard you being this excited about someone. But I will check for you if Arsenal needs a midfielder and is interested in you."

"In love? Oh well... I actually don't know that... It's true that I really like her...", Ingrid blushes. "Haha I knew it. Moving to Arsenal is the best thing to do then I guess... For your career and your private life as well. I really hope that there are some interests girl!", her manager smiles. "Yeah I think so too... Let me know if they are interested in me, thank you for your time!", Ingrid smiles back. "No problem!", her manager laughs.
They end the call and then is Ingrid alone again with her thoughts...  

In love with Jill... Did I really talk that excited about her...? And it's actually true that I want to join Arsenal because of her... But.. But why? Am I really in love? But before Ingrid can think further Jill comes in. "Heyyy sweetie! I'm back with some food! Is everything okay with you? You seem a bit confused", Jill asks worried as soon as she sees Ingrid's face. Ingrid looks up and stares in the most beautiful eyes that she ever saw... "I- I ehh yeah everything is alright. I was just thinking about you and the training...", Ingrid stutters. "Haha do I make you this confused then? Why should you think about me girl?", Jill smiles. "I don't know... That's the problem", Ingrid sighs. "Hey, I want to make you happy and not confused, so please don't look like this girl. No matter what happens, I will always love you", Jill says softly and strokes Ingrid on her back.

Ingrid smiles. She pulls Jill closer and kisses her on the cheek. "It's okay girl, I'm not confused anymore. It's funny you say you would always love me but I don't know if you love me like the way I love you", she then says. "What do you mean?", Jill says confused. "Haha never mind, I'll talk to you about it when I'm ready for it. It's okay for now", Ingrid says calmly. "Haha okay as long as you're not confused anymore I think it's fine", Jill laughs. They sit down  next to each other and eat their food. Ingrid looks at Jill and smiles. 

She feels all the butterflies rising again in her stomach, with a loving look she stares again at Jill... Yes, her manager was right... She's really in love...

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