-Chapter 2-

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The new island-Watermedows

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The new island-Watermedows

Heathers Pov:

"And last but not least, the most requested couple....Aleheatherrr." Chris announced as our boat got to the dock ,it took everything in me not to cringe at that horrendous ship name .

"Hello Everyone ."I spoke confidently.

As i looked around i saw the groups :Courtney with Scott and Duncan ,Cody with Sierra ,Gwen with Trent, LaShawna with Harold, Bridgett with Geoff ,Mike with Zoey, Izzy with Owen, Lindsey with Tyler and 2 new faces ,hmm this season is going to be interesting .

"Alrighty, Welcome new and old to another season of Total drama: Total drama lovefest here at Island Watermedow ,as you all know i was arrested for illegal and dangerous activity ,therefore i have to follow some rules the Court of law gave me ;an example being that the activities should not have a high risk of fatality ....How boring is that!" Chris exclaimed while turning to face Chef.

"Umm Chris why am i in a pair of three while everyone including new comers are in 2?"Courtney questioned as the 2 boys glared at each other ,each one flexing .

"Because the fans want you to solve your darn love triangle out already ,anyways here are the keys to your rooms pack your things and get some sleep because i have a whole lot of things planned for you tomorrow! "Chris said with his usual sniggers .He still hasn't told us who the newbies were. 
"Chris i think you forgot to mention who they are ."I gestured at the model like  figures next to me, who i later found out were Finn -A tall European boy ,blonde faded hair ,a clean shaven face and a slightly muscular body . Then there was Lila who was actually and exchange contestant from Miraculous ladybug ,she was middle Eastern with long hazle hair she had amber eyes and a lean summer body .

After finally finding my room i opened the industrial ,white ,wooded door and face planted into the king sized bed that was accompanied by a master bathroom, a modern Kitchen and a little study/living room.

"Ohh this bed is soo soft ,sooo comfortable  ,Chris really out did himself ."And most of all there was no Alejandro in sight perfect .

I packed my things in the drawers while keeping the things i was going to change into on the side ,stepped into the bathroom and took a nice ,long, warm shower .Since i was by myself i decided to dry myself out of the bathroom as the steam had made it a mini volcano ,but as i exited the bathroom and looked towards where my clothes once lay ;i saw a tall, tan, young ,Spaniard sitting next on the bed with his eyes gawking at me.

 "Ahh what the hell are you doing in my suite! "I screamed while wrapping the towel around me 

"What a show ,you are quite a beauty " He said huskily walking up to me his eyes locked with mine .

"So i needed to be naked before you realized that hmm."I said cockily ,obviously i knew this wasn't true but i could tell my response caught him off guard.

"Well," he started to speak as he sat back on the end of the bed, "My keys open to this room and this room happened to have both our names on it ,mí amor that means we now live together." he smirked walking toward me ,he pulled my waist in and looked deep into my soul with his glassy emerald eyes so hypnotizing .Before i knew it he was kissing me ,no i have to stop letting my phase of lust not love get strong .I shoved him away .

"Do you have no shame!" and with that i took my clothes to change in the bathroom.

Alejandro's pov:

As soon as i saw Heather if felt my heart skipping a few beats ,her long raven hair, her grey seductive eyes her ambitious and feisty personality oh how i wanted to kiss her right then and there, but i also wanted to know why she was forcing herself to build barriers between us ,why she avoided me all these years; however i think i will wait for the right time after that boat scene ,-shudders-. After going to greet my friends and muterals ,my eyes caught onto the time ,i needed to go sleep now if i wanted no bags in the morning. I looked at the door my keys lead to was very excited when i saw that we had to share rooms because Heather would be forced to see and be with me .

As i walked into the room i noticed that Heather had already packed and clearly settled as she sung 'Heather-Conan Gray' even though i found this ironic and slightly amusing she had a beautiful singing voice .I packed my things and got some clothes to wear after i was done showering ,that's when i saw her, she had walked out  the droplets rolling of her i hadn't noticed i was staring until she got startled .Before i knew it i locked lips with hers but  she didn't kiss back as i thought she would but instead pushed me away ,getting her clothes to change in the bathroom and with one last sentence she had gone .My heart ached hard.

5 minutes later

"I'm done you can go take shower now ." She hopped onto the bed .

"I'm sorry Heather."

"Excuse me!?"

"I'm sorry for kissing you Heather. "I noticed that she turned bright red...she liked it when i said her name, usually i would make a cocky remark about this but i didn't want to push my luck ,i was lucky she even spoke to me after knowing her.

"Oh ..Cheers i guess. "she turned around obviously hiding the fact she was blushing.

20 minutes later 

"Crap it was way past my beauty sleep mark ay ya yay."I noticed that Heather had already fallen asleep so i quietly put my clothes on and went to sleep on the sofa as she was in the very middle of the bed and i didn't want to disturb her. My Queen.

I woke up to a light touch on my shoulder.

"Hey..."I saw the flawless beauty looking down at me i sat right up .

"Hello mí amur." I replied 

"Firstly if you call me your love again you will be sleeping outside, secondly, sorry for letting you sleep on the sofa...truth is i purposely slept in the middle hoping you would ask Chris for a different room to sleep in ....not the sofa." 

To be honest i did see something like this coming up but not so soon, but to my lovefull heart this was a petty easily forgivable thing. 

"I forgive you ," but i couldn't let her go to easily ," but you owe me one."

With a roll of her eyes she agreed while slamming the structure for our days  Chris arranged for us in my face ,according to this we have ,Breakfast, Challenge one ,Break, Challenge 2  ,Lunch then off until 7pm for the eviction or reward ceremony .It also stated that the other couples in our group were, Courtney ,Scott, Duncan /Cody and Sierra/Finn and Lila and Mike and Zoey, hmm not to bad.

When i finished with hygiene i noticed Heather had layed down some clothes for me and made her way to the food hall for breakfast. She picked a white vest with a dark blue  long sleeve shirt,grey trousers  and a gold necklace ,perfect. A smile grew across my face as i made my way to the hall. Heather was discussing something with Courtney and what ever it was it looked serious so i made my way over to Geoff, Tyler and Duncan who was looking overly glum than usual.

Thank you for reading Chapter 2 ! Sorry I'm late i will do my best to post often. God bless stay blessed  x.

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