-Chapter 10-

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Alejandro's pov:

'Mabye I went to far this time ,' I thought to myself as the guilt rained down on me like a vast tempest .I got up but that's as far as i got to saying 'sorry' but how can you apologise for something like that.I've gone too far way too far not even the horizon can tell .

"What's her deal?" Liza began .

"I'm going to head to my room and rest ."

"Aw okay ,see you handsome ."

I assume she's in the room but there's no telling where she could be.

I cracked open the large industrial door ,but no sight of Heather .How desperately I wanted to just hug her and apologise. I face planted into the bed annoyed at myself .

I heard a small knock on the door .

Could it be Heather ?

"Come in !"

A petite ,tan,young girl strolled in .

"I knew you weren't sleeping, do you want to talk about what happened back there?"

"Sure Liza ,you deserve to know the truth."I sighed taking in a deep breath to prepear myself for the shame and regret .

"So when I told you that , it was intended for her to hear ...but now that I've prossed it I can't pin the reason why , but I feel terrible about it now." I proped myself up and looked over to her.

"As a girl yourself what do you think I should do to fix this?"
I had grown to trust Liza even after all the confusion with what Lila said about her I see no reason to fear her ,she's kind and thoughtful .

"I think ...You should do something Romantic. "


Lisa's Confessional :

"Of course I knew this wouldn't work but who am i to care I want them to break up ; if it were my boyfriend who pulled something like that I would break up with him on the spot!"


"Really ?" It seemed unusual for me not to think of something like that but I hadn't even felt myself lately .

"Yes! In fact let's practice ...nothing sexual because obviously your taken ." She giggled and nudged me slightly .

I was a bit anxious at first but it couldn't hurt to try I was lost right now.

"I'm going to lie down and look all sad then you get ontop of me and.."

"I could say how badly I messed up!"

"No not at this point just stroke my arm and kiss my check or something ."

Was this necessary ?
"I think it's a bit much ."

"True ."

Heathers pov:

Now that I've taken a proper look at him it all made sense the memories with a blank face were filled in again a joy lit up withen me .I brought my hand to his face .

"Your my Taylor ...from across the street at number 122.

He was still at first trying to wrap his head around everything .

"There's no way...You are Heather kasuga...-"

"And your Taylor Nguyen ,we met in Year 1 when you had moved to the area ...I hated you at first because all the attention went to you as a new comer ."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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