-Chapter 7-

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Alejandro's Pov:
I had lost count of the days that had gone by only thinking about how mí renia was doing .I heard a light knock on the door.

"Alejandro you have a visitor ." The kind nurse walked out leaving me and Heather alone ,i could feel a large smile grow across my face .

"How have you been mí amor?"I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear as she rested her face in my hand.

"Well ...it's been good."

"Ok,now tell me the truth."

"What do you mean ?"

"Tell me how you have really been feeling."

"Well we are in a show called total drama of course its not gonna be Ok!" She snapped before looking away from me.

"They are gonna release you today ,but its in the afternoon."She dries her eyes and faced me running her fingers through my hair.

"Listen i know you do not desire to tell me ,but I'm here when you do mí amor."I hated when she couldn't tell me how she felt;but hopefully one day in our future she will.

The nurse came back escorting Heather to the exit while the doctor came to check on my wounds .The doctor said I should rest a bit before the realse . So I obeyed,however my one eye saw A purple blur flash from the door to under my bed ,i ignored it at first but then a chain of clicks came from my side and as i turnered around I saw none other than the blog addict Sierra snapping photos a of me.

"I know I am a treat to the eyes but please this is not the time."

"Stop flirting with me, I am a one Cody lady ,and no way am i leaving here I just got a juicey update ft YOu :Proof that Alejandro Burromuetro is fearful of the Powerful Heather Kasuga."

"OUT."I reached for the call bell button but she dashed for the vents slowly backing further and further down .

"Yes sir?"
Ayy what will I say now.

"What is the due time of my release ?"
Hmm not bad .

"Umm," she looked at her watch and back at me,"you can start getting ready now if you would like ."

"Gracias!"I went to shower and put on the perfume I knew Heather loved so much and my classic outfit but with my hair tied up .It felt weird this whole experience ,after all the years of waiting it was worth it because i finally had my true desire .Heather.

Chris had sent an intern to pick me up.

While I was on the boat I decided to text Duncan as i hadn't really spoken to him much after my admirable advice .

Duncan delinquent

Alejandro:Hola mí lejor amigo .🙂

Duncan:Hi bro ,yo how have you been ,sorry long time Chris only aloud Heather to come visit for 'ratings sake 'no one else

Alejandro:Just relieved that I am not seriously injured and that my face is in one piece,no worries

Duncan:What else do you want man

Alejandro :Well done my surprisingly bright friend !😉yes I wanted to know how things were with you and Courtney

Duncan:bro your lucky Heather has already served your monthly beating 😑well... I think it's better if we talk in person


Alejandro:Well I will be there soon ,stay out of trouble for now

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