-Chapter 9-

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Heathers pov:

I started roaming around the ascending trees in search for Freddie my cat.I can't believe my parents let them bring him to such a place but honestly did i expect anything less from them.
"Freddie !" I called repeatedly but no response.
Suddenly , I heard a piercing cry from a bluebery bush ,however instead of finding Freddie I found a stuffed cat with a speaker taped to it . I was relieved it wasn't him but aggravated at Chris and Chef for putting so much unneeded stress on me.

As I picked up the toy ,I saw Courtney running and waving at me .

"I've been - bee- been-"

"Your out of breathe from that small distance Court!"


"I thought you were ' Willburys top trackstart ' remember?" I continued to tease as she sternly continued.

"Yeah yeah I hear you ."
We started to walk back not daring to go into the thick, tangled ,treacherous centre of the deep woods .

"Anyway...I have something to tell you."

"Is it what you wanted to tell me
earlier ?"

"Precisely. "

"Courtney ,is everything okay?" I was concerned in her sudden shift of mood as she was bringing up the topic .She stooped in her tracks and turned to face me not easing the anxiety building up little by little withen  me.

"Heather, what I'm going to say might hurt a bit ...but it's better to let you know what's going on."

"Courtney just tell me."

"I- I saw Alejandro nearly skin touching with liza then when I tried telling you he cooed you away ...later as i was walking past the thorn headge I saw her lying on his lap...but-"

"BUT WHAT!? "I screamed causing Courtney to jump .

"He didn't detest the action but instead started stroking her hair ,Duncan called me over so I didn't see what happened next ." She rushed .

Everything froze that very second ,my heart beat was steady but my mind racing each thought contradicting the other crashing into my skull.

"Heather?" I snapped back into reality but the pain ...it was still here .

"Heather ...how are you feeling?" Courtney questioned while resting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Its okay."
"I'm okay."
A phrase I had used many times...but Did I mean it?

"I just need sometime to clear my head ."

"Are you sure you'll be okay ?"

"100% ." I lied ,clearly not good enough because Courtney continued.

"I know your not fine ,not at all its tinted in your voice and body expressions,but if its space you need I'll leave you be...but I'm just over there if you need me ."

I gave her a small smile in response.

"Oh Heather ..." She rubbed my back and proceeded to walk away .

I  was alone once again ,just me and my thoughts.The wind carried the trees for a brief moment here and there as the swayed to the rhythm of the sea crashing into the island. The scenery was so calming but here I am disrupting the peace with my negitive thoughts out balancing the positive.

IT'S my fault.
I'M clearly not good enough for him.
IS Courtney sure?
I'M sure it's just a misunderstanding.
BUT what if it isn't....what if this is something more than what meets the naked eye.
Just me and my thoughts all alone.

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