you and me

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the song above isn't the inspiration song for this part, i want it to be a bit of a surprise this time, so have this song instead as a substitute since i didn't want to leave this empty :)


"You flatter me, Good," Jef spoke, giggling quietly as the other picked daisies for him.

The elder male smiled softly while looking directly at Jef's hazel eyes,  not bothering to look away to hide how his heart turned soft towards the other.

"What can I say, I am a true ladies' man," Good payfully said, earning himself a lighthearted shove from Jef.

"Oh, shut up, I'm not even a girl."

The two laughed, cherishing the moment.

Now, you may be a bit confused as to what the occasion was this day. The answer is quite simple. 

The two males were on their honeymoon.

They plan on gathering daisies together, decorating each other with them (flower crowns included), and singing the song that brought them together in the first place. It's quite an old song, noticeable almost immediately by the style it has despite being labelled as a 'pop' song. Though, it does not mean that the song can't be enjoyed in today's time. At the moment, they were just about to finish picking daisies to use for their activity.

"Have you got everything necessary, love?" Jef asked, counting the daisies he himself had in his possession as the one in question whipped his head around to look at him. 

Good looked at his own gatherings, concluding that he had around 10 to 15 daisies, while Jef had about 12.

"Shit, itt might not be enough for backups if we mess up on flower crowns, but I think we might be able to put them in our hair, clothing, and put the excess in a vase at home," Good explained his thoughts aloud.

"It's fine, Marshmallow, as long as we have this time together, I don't mind how many flowers we have."

Once again, Jef and his sweetness have managed to summon a side of Good not many people have seen. Embarrassed for the 6th time that day, he covered his red cheeks with part of his hood, earning a chuckle from himself and the cause of his heated face.

Pecking the slightly taller male on the cheek, Jef grabbed Good's hand and led them back to their chosen spot under a willow tree. With the shade, gentle breeze, and slight specs of light seeping through the bent branches of the tree, the two inhaled the air at ease. The spot was special to them, as this was the exact same spot where Good had confessed his feelings for Jef 4 years prior in that precise location. 

With memories flooding his head, Good turned towards the raven-haired man next to him.

"You ready?" He asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Jef responded, his eyes half-lidded. 

This was it, the moment of truth. Taking out his speakers from their backpack as Jef stood up and brushed any dirt on his pants, Good prepares the song for their special session.

"Nice ass," Good commented while scrolling for the proper audio.

"Shut up and play the song, stupid," Jef chuckled.

It took a while with the all annoying advertisements, but eventually it was ready. They interlocked hands and rose them up in the air as their vacant hands grasped the other's hip, and started to slowly dance to the song, humming as they waited for the vocals to begin.

"There is a flower within my heart, Daisy, Daisy.."

"Planted one day by a glancing dart, planted by Daisy Bell,"

"Whether she loves me or loves me not, sometimes it's hard to tell,"

"Yet I am longing to share the lot of beautiful Daisy Bell,"



"Give me your answer, do,"

"I'm half crazy, all for the love of you,"

"It won't be a stylish marriage, I can't afford a carriage,"

"But you'll look sweet up on the seat of a bicycle built for two."

Singing along, the two stared at each other lovingly, hazel meeting dark navy blue, cherishing each second together, singing with such emotion one would think they thought the world was ending and they wanted their last moments to be cherished. Though that wasn't the case, it sure felt like it. The man from the past kept singing, as his song was enjoyed in the future no one thought would be possible, 127 years ahead of his time. 

Despite not knowing what was felt and done at the time of the song, Good and Jef knew that one thing was certain, they had both found their Daisy Bell.



sorry for such a crap beginning, i'll try to make it up by writing their confession and wedding for you all :))

if you're interested in the song, it's "Daisy Bell" by Harry Dacre, the chorus is pretty well known around the internet, but the full song is worth a listen, and there are plenty of  covers if the original isn't your kind of music preference :D

now, if you excuse me, i have to speedrun chores in 6 minutes-

Goodboyhalo x Jef (Jefhalo?) Oneshots (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now