October Showers

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I lost my draft so I have to rewrite this, thanks Wattpad-

"Gosh, darn it," Jef mumbled, struggling to fiddle with the object in his hand as he walked down the blacktop.

It's raining, not a surprise for rain season in the area, but having not checked the forecast that morning, Jef hadn't brought an umbrella with him. This, of course, means he has to walk home in the pouring rain all alone. He really wasn't in the mood to walk all the way home in the rain (despite the somewhat short distance between campus and his house), his legs aching from running up and down the stairs in a hurry.

Sighing, Jef shoves his phone into the back pocket of his jeans while it turns back on. The droplets splattered across the screen make it difficult to see what he was doing. He begins to walk across the street, briefly thanking the worker who stopped traffic for him to cross without a maniac running him over as they ignore the school zone speed limit.

Trying his best to stay under trees, which was hard as the leaves fell from the weight of the rain, Jef scurried across gravel, pavement, and houses trying to reach his own.

Taking his phone back out, he decided to see if it was done starting up. It was not. Groaning, he put it back, stopping to stare at his reflection in a nearby puddle the length of a car.

"Why'd it have to rain today, of all days?" Jef whined, rubbing his temples.

"Rough day?" An unnamed voice spoke from the side.

Squeaking from the surprise of social interaction, the brunet turned his head to meet the unexpected visitor.

"Oh, Good. What're you doing here?"

Good; an older peer from Jef's grade. They were acquainted at most, their interactions limited, but they were aware of each other. Mostly due to Good's constant teasing of Jef's lack of swearing vocabulary.

"I live down the street? You looked soaked to the brim so I thought I'd lend you a spot under my umbrella," Good reasoned, pointing to his large black umbrella with his free hand.

"Oh! Well, thank you, you didn't neet to go out of your way to do this but, I appreciate it," Jef warmly smiled as a kind gesture towards the other.

"Don't mention it.."

The duo walked together in a comfortable silence, the white noise of rain hitting objects making the scenario slightly soothing. Of course, the slight sting from Jef's legs is still there, but he tried his hardest to ignore it.

"So, why'd you come to school on the rainiest day of the month without an umbrella?" Good spoke, his interest piqued into his question.

"I didn't check the forecast," Jef mumbled.

"Really? Pff, sucks to suck man, you're lucky I strolled around and found you all depressed at the end of that block. As we take the same route, I'm guessing you live down this street as well."

"Yeah, my house should be coming around soon. I've been in a hurry all day because I have to attend a mini party at my aunt's for my birthday later today, I just didn't expect it to rain."

"So you're the one they were singing happy birthday to down the hall? Man, you guys are loud," Good reminisced.

Jef lightly chuckled, "Yeah, they did go overboard on the volume."

Looking slightly ahead of him, Jef saw his house basking in the glimmering rain. His eyes brightening, he grabbed Good by the forearm and pulled him ahead. "Hurrg up, my house is right there!"

"Ey, watch it!" Good complained, not taking lightly to having his arm possibly dislocated from its position in his shoulder.

Running along, they make it to Jef's doorstep. Thanking him quickly, Jef fiddles with his keys, opening the door to call out his parents. Before long, Jef was out of sight, leaving Good out in the  rain.

Chuckling softly, he continues his walk.

"Happy birthday, little shit."
apologies about the short, low quality update, I have no ideas whatsoever and I wanted to get something out by today-

it's not actually Jef's birthday, I just used him as a substitute as my birthday's today and I really liked a possible scenario we had a few weeks go where it rained for 9 hours.

happy birthday to me :]

Goodboyhalo x Jef (Jefhalo?) Oneshots (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now