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(From Chapter 21)

I lead Kid out of my dorm room, down the stairs, and out the door of the building. He steps onto his skateboard and holds out a hand for me. On the way here, I leaned against his back, but this time, he faces me. He wraps his right arm around me and leaves his left arm out for balance. My chest tightens at the suddenness of his hand on me, but goes away once I recognize his enjoyment. I wrap my arms around him, just like a hug. One arm in a circle around his waist, the other up on his back. He pulls me closer into him and our chests touch. Our breathing syncs up and our eyes lock for a short moment. He smiles at me before turning his head and taking off. I grip his shirt tightly, and am reminded of how terrifying it is to be in the sky.

"It's alright," His calming voice overcomes the volume of the wind around me. I listen to his breathing, and stare at the symmetrical sky. Reminds me of him. I slide my hand into his back pocket and pull out his phone. He flinched when I do it, and turns his head to me. He realizes I just took his phone, and returns his focus to getting us to the roller rink.

I hold up the phone and take a picture of the gorgeous sky in front of me. As well as the gorgeous boy in front of me too. I make sure to center him in the frame so he doesn't get mad about it later. The clouds surround the two of us perfectly in the picture.

I slide the phone back in his pocket and he flinched once again. I stare at the sky, holding onto Kid as tightly as I can.

He lands us in an empty street, which I assume is close to the building. I step off, holding onto his elbows to make sure I don't fall. He steps off and sends Beelzebub away.

He stands directly in front of me and stares at my face. His body is so close, only a few parts of us aren't touching. I feel the butterflies in my stomach turn to elephants as he pushes my hair behind my ears. I look right into his brassy eyes, the only light in this dark alley. His hands run through the back of my hair and he pulls me into a kiss.

His hands are gentle on my head, but his mouth is aggressive. His kisses are deep and his tongue is excited. I begin to kiss him back just as he presses me into the building behind me. My fingers cling onto the collar of his shirt while his travel around my neck and face.

His kisses move away from my lips. He places a few on my cheeks, symmetrically. He move on to mark up my neck, chin, and wherever he can reach on my chest. They're soft on my face, but the lower he goes, the stronger they are.

"Kid," I say as his lips tickle my neck, "I didn't know you-" His lips catch mine while they were open and he pulls me into the deepest one yet. He lets out a small moan in my mouth when I move my hands down his back.

"Now you do," He wipes his mouth and grabs my wrist.

"C'mon, they'll be waiting for us," He pulls me down the sidewalk.

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