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(From Chapter 28)

I'd just moved into the mansion, so Kid gave me a tour after we finished unpacking.

He showed me the important stuff first, like the bedrooms, bathrooms, and where to get food. After that, pretty much everything else was recreational.

Kid takes my hand and pulls me through the long halls. We twist and turn around large columns throughout the house before being welcomed into an open room.

The floor is hardwood and chairs line the outside edges. Plenty of the decor leads me to believe we're in a ballroom.

"Many parties are often held here at Gallow's Mansion," His hand goes to grab mine again, but instead slides to my waist, "This room is where they typically happen." His other hand connects into mine. He pulls my body close into him and I look into those honeycomb eyes of his as they shimmer in the bright lights of the ballroom. Faint music begins to play in the background, and Kid takes a step even closer into me. I place my other hand on his back, giving into the intimacy of the moment. The two of us gently step to the rhythm of the song in the distance, but keeping our focus on each other. My heart beats faster as I listen to his breath and take in the way it feels against my neck. His hand lets go of mine and meets his other one wrapped around my waist. I take mine and place them behind his neck. It gives me a better view of those stupid little stripes I love so much.

"You look so beautiful right now," I lean my face closer to the boy.

"I could say the same for you," His lips smile for a moment before placing a kiss on my forehead. I blush and return a kiss to each of his cheeks, being sure to place them symmetrically.

He closes his eyes and so do I. We sway to the music, only pausing to place kisses upon one another. We both try to kiss at the same time, and our lips run into each other. Our eyes widen together. Kid relaxes, and goes in for a second one, prepared this time. My hands disconnect from one another and pull his head into mine by the hair. I let him take control, and he grabs the fabric of my clothes tighter. Instead of stepping to the rhythm, his tongue dances. The song perfectly matches the mood of the moment.

Kid pulls away, with a smile even brighter than his eyes. I fix up his hair, and we keep dancing until we tire.

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