Symmetrical Attraction

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(Chapter 39)

Kid walks straight into the room, and sits on the edge of the bed, facing me, legs crossed. I stay standing, right in front of him, a foot away.

"(Y/N)," Those perfect honey-sweet eyes look at me again, "I know I already said it, but thank you. This is the best day I've ever had."

"Really?" Did I do it?

"There's only one thing that could've made it better," He smirks a little. What does that mean?


"A gift," He uncrosses his legs.

"I thought you already had everything you wanted because you're rich and all," And if he doesn''s not like I have the money for it.

"It's not something you can buy," He looks around the room, "And it's something only you could give me,"


"Well, what is it?"

"(Y/N), it's you," His eyes come back to me.

"I want you to be my partner. My lover."


What do I even say?

I place my knees at his hips, and hover above him, "Our attraction is symmetrical," I hold the sides of his face in my hands and pull him into a kiss. Kid grabs onto the collar of my shirt and he returns the favor, harder. Our heartbeats are loud and the moment lasts forever. We only pull away for a small second to catch our breath before his gentle hands grip onto my arms, and flip me onto the bed, beneath him. Those cold fingers run through my hair while his kiss gets more passionate. I wrap my arms around his neck. Our eyes open at the same time, the lights from the room flicker in those golden eyes of his.

Kid pushes himself off of me, "I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask you if it was okay first, I just thr-"

"It's alright, Kid," I toss my arms around him again and pull him down onto the bed next to me, "I wanted it."

He rests his hand on my head, weaving his fingers through my hair. His eyes are heavy, and blink a couple times before staying closed. Death the Kid fell asleep with me once again. But this time, he's mine. That stupid symmetrical skinny skater boy.

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