Chapter 10

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~A/N know its weird but just go with it~

Today I was sitting in the staffroom alone like I usually do when Yvette Semler, one of the maths teachers walks up to me with a flirtatious smile on her face.
"Hey Eric, I heard you want to go out for dinner sometime with me?" Whoa I wasn't expecting that! I guess one date won't hurt right?
"Ummm sure?" I say more as a question. She looks a bit confused with my answer but shrugged it off.
"Okay great!"She says.
"Where shall we go?" I then ask.
"I've always wanted to go to that new Thai place that's just opened up a few blocks away." She tells me.
"Aright, I'll pick you up at seven tonight?" I ask her.
"Okay sounds fun. I'll see you then." Yvette slips a piece of paper with her address and phone number on it into my hand then walks back out into the hallway. Well that was very unexpected to say the least.
Tonight eventually rolls around after a strenuous afternoon of training the footballers. I throw on a blue button down shirt and some dark wash jeans, get in my car and drive to the address Yvette gave me. After taking like 5 wrongs turns I eventually make it to the right street and pull up in front of a large brick house with a grey roof. I walk up the long pathway lined with rose bushes towards the door. I knock three times and after waiting a minute or two Yvette opens the door. She looks really nice might I add. She is wearing a high neck, black dress that flows out at the hips and reaches just above her knees.
"You look great!" I tell her honestly.
"Thankyou Eric, thats very kind of you." She replies. I lead her to my car and we head off towards the Thai restaurant.
We arrive at the restaurant and take a seat at a table in the far right corner. We sit down and start the conversation off by talking about school.
"So Yvette, how long have you been teaching at Divergent High?" I ask her.
"Oh! I've been teaching for 16 years but I have only been teaching at Divergent High for 4 years." She states matter-of-factly. I decide that it would be a great time to bring my muscles in the conversation. They are pretty big. I rest my elbows on the table and flex my muscles as I answer to her statement.
"Well I have been teaching PE for 11 years and I'm also a part-time personal trainer." She seems pretty impressed buy my toned arms. We lock eyes for a while until we are interrupted by a waitress. She stands behind Yvette with a water jug and some menus.
"Hi I'm Nita! Here are some menus and some water." She then notices the amazing muscles in my arms and tips water all over Yvette because she was so distracted. Yvette suddenly leaps out of her chair and heads straight for the bathroom. But she doesn't get very far because Nita trips her over and she falls into the puddle of water.
"Quick Eric get me to the bathroom now!" She yells so being the gentleman I am I help her up and she drags me to the bathroom. The thing that I see next is unbelievable...
Yvette drops to the floor and her legs transform into a long, peach coloured tail. A mermaid tail! There are so many things wrong with the situation. First I'm in the ladies' bathroom. Second YVETTE IS A MERMAID! My problem is, is that I like Yvette but now I see that she is a mermaid, I can't. I have been working along side Jeanine Mathews for years trying to find one. She is my cousin after all. I am also very glad that I have found this out because my son; you may know him - Peter, yeah well he told me that he thinks that a couple of kids are mermaids and I wanted to believe him but I didn't because we have never seen one before. Now that I have found a mermaid we can use this to our advantage to find more mermaids and test on them and put them into aquariums where they belong.
"So I guess you found out my secret. But you don't look freaked out, why?" Yvette asks me whist she lays helpless on the floor.
"Oh agh because I just think that you... look really pretty." Yes Eric! nice save.
"Well I'm going to change back now so please don't freak out!" She tells me. She then uses the power in her hands to evaporate the water off her. Her legs appear again and she stands up brushing imaginary dust off of her hands.
"Okay listen Yvette, I'm not going to freak out on you. I think this is pretty cool actually." Little does she know that I'm going to keep her close so it will be easier to get information out of her which might lead us to the other two students.
"Okay good because no one else knows about this and I don't want to end up being some science experiment or something because I have worked to hard to keep this secret safe for it to be leaked out into the world." I can see the stress on her face.
"It's okay, I won't tell anyone. I am actually quite interested in this. Do you wanna go back to my house to talk about it?" Maybe I can get some information out of her now.
"Sure, that sounds great." We leave the restaurant without getting any food and head straight back to my house. Once we enter the house we head to the couch and sit down facing each other.
"Okay so tell me, is there anyone else like you?" I'm just jumping straight into the juicy details. She thinks a bit before answering.
"Well, I don't know anyone personally but I'm sure there are other mermaids and mermen around." Oh mermen interesting...
"Wow so how did this happen?" I ask her.
"Well my parents were mermaids andpassed away when I was young so I was born one but you can become one my finding a mermaid ring in the ocean. If you put that on then you will grow a tail."
"So if you touch water then you turn into a fish?" I feel as if I'm interrogating her but I don't care.
"Not a fish, a mermaid, and yes I do that's why I have to be very careful all the time." that's also really interesting. Once I find out more about these other two people with the help of Peter and Jeanine, we can poor water on them to expose them to the world.
"Ah I see how that would be difficult." I suddenly realise the time so I politely ask her to leave. She leaves my house and I go up to my room to text Peter.
Eric: Hey son when are you getting home?
Peter: I'll be home in 10 minutes, why?
Eric: Oh I have something interesting to tell you.
I then head downstairs to wait for Peter and no longer than 10 minutes later he walks through the front door.​
"Hey son, you know how the other day you told me about those two students that you thought were mermaids?" I ask him as we sit on the couch.
"Yeah and you didn't believe me?"
"Well I apologise I definitely believe you now!" I tell him.
"What why? What happened?"
"Well I went for dinner with the maths teacher Ms Semler and she got water tipped all over her! Anyway she ran to the bathroom and there she was on the floor flapping around like a fish!" The expression on his face is priceless.
"Yes I knew it! I knew mermaids are real!"
"Great I'm going to call aunt Jeanine so we can figure out a plan to hunt them down." We both have devilish smiles on our faces thinking of the wealth and fame we could get out of this.
I send him to bed then make myself some dinner and go to bed too thinking about how we are going to execute this plan.

A/N Hey Guys!!!
I finally got around to wiring a new chapter! I have finished Hairspray now so I will have more time to write but I am still extremely busy. On my profile it explains how busy I am. And 24 days until I leave for NYC!!!!! I'm so excited. Anyways I hoped you liked the chapter and the next chapter will have more FOURTRIS fluff and cuteness and that should be up soon
Until then - stay lovely

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