Chapter 12

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It's the weekend and Tobias decided to come over to my house to finish the biology project. As he was glueing the final picture down he asked me,
"Do you wanna go on an adventure today?" Curious by what he meant I replied,
"What do you mean?"
"Well I was thinking, there must be a whole heap of mermaids and mermen living underwater I mean, we can't be the only ones who just so happened to come across those rings. I bet those rings came form actual mermaids who were born like that."
"Well yeah, I guess there must be. So where are we going today then?" I ask him.
"Let's swim out into the ocean to try and find a group of mermaids." This did intrigue me so I guess that's what we will be doing today then.
"Okay let's go!" I place our project on my bed and head downstairs with Tobias and find my mother in the kitchen.
"Mum and Four and I go out today?"
"Sure honey be back before dinner though."
"Thanks mum!" I have her a hug then left the house.
We walk to the beach and dive in. I smile at Tobias as we link hands. We swim away from the shore together.
After about two hours of swimming, with some breaks of course, I stop and face Tobias.
"Agh this is useless we will never find anyone!" I yell in frustration. Tobias has a weird look on his face and is staring off into the distance.
"What are you looking at?" I say as I turn around to find four heads sticking up out of the water.
"Ooooh." We swim towards them. As we get closer I see two girls and two boys. The girls had tiaras on their heads and the boys had crowns. They notice us and swim up to us. Holy shit they're mermaids. Real ones, wow.
"Hello!" One of the girls said. She had really long dark chocolate coloured hair that went past her butt. It was dead straight and she also had a fringe. She had light brown eyes and a purple tail. It was really weird how none of their hair was wet. I'll have to ask about that later.
"Hey I'm Tris!" The girl just stares at me for a second. The other three have shocked looks on their faces. Did I do something wrong?
"Are you new to the kingdom?" The other girl asks. This girl had icey-blue eyes and dark hair, the same colour as the other although her hair on reached her middle back and was in ringlets. She looked shorter than the other one and had a teal coloured tail. Before I can respond to her question, Tobias answers for me.
"Yes, we are just visiting. Why do you ask?"
"Oh, terribly sorry for being rude, we just assumed you were from here and that meant you didn't greet us properly." The long-haired one says.
"Let me introduce myself, my name is Annaliese Florence Elizabeth Macourt
Hall, Princess of Loddington. I am 17 years of age and my sister Sophia here is a year younger. I am the heir to the throne because I am the first born child of course." Okay that makes sense now, they are royals. The short one decides to properly introduce herself.
"Yes and my name is Sophia Addison Paige Macourt Hall, Princess of Loddington as well. And those two over there are our husbands." She points to the two men.
"Wow your married very young!" I say.
"Yeah we didn't get to decide, it was our fathers choice, he's the King." Annaliese sighs.
"Well we learnt to like them I guess." Sophia says. The two boys then decided to join in the conversation.
"Yes well I'm prince Finley Christopher Liam Hall and I'm married to Annaliese." Finley has dusty blonde hair and bright blue eyes that are a bit lighter than Tobias's. His tail is scarlet red in colour.
"And I am the younger brother to Finley and my name is Oliver Theodore William Hall. We used to be the princes of Roseville until we married the girls." Oliver has light brown hair and dark brown eyes with an orange tail.
"I'm Tobias and this is Tris, we are a couple but nothing fancy."
"Well considering we aren't near the palace, we don't have to act all formal so just call us Liesi, Soph, Finn and Oli." Liesi says.
"Would you guys like to come back to the palace with us because King Lawrence is expecting us back now." Finn said. I looked at Tobias and he nodded.
"I guess so then!" Tobias and I followed the four royals underwater.
I look around in awe at how beautiful this underwater Kingdom is. Vibrant colours are spread out across the kingdom and many mermaids and mermen swam around with beautifully coloured tails. I then spot the palace. We arrive and the guards let us in. We swim up to what I think is one of the bedrooms.
"Well this is Sophia's and my bedroom." Oli says.
"Wow everything looks so expensive." At my comment everyone laughs.
"Children!" Says a deep masculine voice.
"That's King Lawrence." Says Finn.
"Okay you two act like your from some far away kingdom because only royals are allowed in the palace and he will kill us if he founds out that we brought you two in here." Says Annaliese.
"Follow my lead and act fancy." I whisper to Tobias. Just as I say that, a very masculine man enters the room and I assume he is the king.
"Ah, there you are children." He then looks to us and asks.
"And who might you two be?"
"Greetings your highness, I am Princess Beatrice Prior Eaton of Killara and this here is Prince Tobias Eaton of Killara." I say and nod my head in respect.
"So you two must be married. I have never heard of Killara, where is it located." Crap... I know Australia, great.
"The kingdom of Killara is located off the East coast of Australia your highness."
"Wow such a long way you've come! And what for exactly?" Oh ummmm think...
"We are here on our honeymoon your highness." Tobias says with a wink directed at me.
"Oh joyful! Have fun then children and remember Beatrice and Tobias, you are welcome anytime you wish." King Lawrence then exits the room and we all burst out laughing.
"Where did you come up with that?" Finn asks.
"I don't really know to be honest but good news is your father likes us!" I tell them.
"And we will definitely be back but Tris and I have to leave because it's a 2 hour swim back home and we need to be home before dinner!" Tobias says.
"Okay well so you guys want to come back next week? It's nice having friends that we don't have to be royal around and plus, our father will be away so he won't be suspicious if you guys are back from Australia in just a week!" Annaliese says.
"Sounds good to me! Alright Tobias, let's go." I say. We hug our new friends and wave goodbye before swimming away.

It's been so long and I apologise. I have been in New York training very hard and didn't find anytime to write. But I did mange to get a scholarship to Broadway Dance Centre's Full Time program for when I finish high school which is really exciting for me. Anyways I'm back in Australia now and back to school work. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! THE PHOTO AT THE TOP IS OF ANNALIESE AND SOPHIA!!!
Don't forget to leave a review as they make my day!
Stay lovely
~Alex~ xx

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