Chapter 13

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A/N okay so it has been a very long time since I have updated for you guys and I feel terrible. The usual excuses training, school and of course reading :) alright I hope you enjoy this new chapter and I did make it extra long to make it up to you guys xxx


The annoying sound of my alarm reminded me that it is Monday and I have school today. I sigh and climb out of bed, get ready for school and meet Caleb and Tobias downstairs so we can walk to school together like we usually do.

Thankfully the morning goes by quickly but I keep getting noticeable glances from Peter, Jeanine and Eric. I try to brush them off but their faces keep popping back into my mind. I also feel Christina is getting a bit suspicious about Tobias and I. The mermaid conversation has come up a couple of times but Tobias and I choose to stay out of it.

It is now lunchtime and Zeke has just brought up the idea of going to the new ice skating rink that has opened up downtown.

"That's a great idea! I'm in." Christina says getting excited. The whole gang responds with variations of yes's then turn their heads to look at Tobias and I for an answer.

"We would love to guys but we can't because...I'm starting to feel sick again." God I hate lying to them. They are my best friends and they don't even know about half of my life. I wish I could tell them but I just can't risk it. I can see the hurt in Christina's eyes and I know that I've really made her upset this time.

"You know what Tris, I'm really sick and tired of all your excuses. If you don't want to hang out with us that's fine but I would rather if you just told me that straight to my face than making up lies to get out of everything we do as a group." I can see the tears in her eyes as she whips her head around and walks towards the cafeteria doors. The gang all look at me I see some have sympathetic looks in their eyes but others look as though they agree with what Christina said and I don't blame them at all. I turn to run out of the cafeteria and I can hear footsteps behind me that I can only imagine are Tobias's. I find an empty hallway and slump against the wall and begin to cry. Then welcoming arms are wrapped around me and I know they are Tobias's so I don't resist them. He knows just to let me cry and once I feel like talking then he will comfort me, but right now all I want are his warm arms wrapped around my waist. After a few minutes of silence I lift my head from his shirt to look into his eyes.

"I'm sorry for getting your shirt wet." I say with a sheepish smile.

"It's alright," he returns.

"I guess Christina is right. We aren't being the best friends we could be and I hate having to lie to her! And know she knows I'm lying and I just feel terrible."

"Hey, hey it's going to be okay. We will get through this together." Tobias says lifting my chin so my eyes meet his. He then leans in to kiss the remaining tears off my cheeks.

"But it won't be okay. We can't keep living like this! Soon enough we won't have any friends left and we will be known as the bitchy couple who only care about each other." Another round of tears hit me as I finish speaking.

"Can we just spend to afternoon together to forget about this?" I ask him.

"Of course Tris, I would love to." He says.


I'm really beginning to worry about Tris. I didn't mean for my words in the cafeteria to come out that mean but I guess I was mad. She and Four are always together, like I get they are a couple but Will and I don't hang out as much as them. Something about those two is not right. They are very secretive together and I want to know what's up. Tris is my best friend and I've known Four for a long time so I'm just concerned. I'm gonna follow them this afternoon to see where they always sneak off to.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2015 ⏰

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