Chapter 3

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A/N merry Christmas everyone 🎄🎅🎉😜🎁

Here is my present to all of you🎁😘😘


CHAPTER 3 (tris POV)

I'm at lunch with the group when Uriah gets up on the table and announces to the whole cafeteria that he is holding a pool party! Seriously a pool party? Could my life be worse? I'll have to go I mean people will get really suspicious if I don't go. I wonder if Four is going? Just as I think that he turns to face me and asks.

"Tris are you going?" How could I say know to those eyes.

"Yeah of course!" I say a little too cheerfully. He just chuckles and turns back to his food.

The day finishes and Caleb, Four and I walk back towards the beach. We talk about the party and the school year ahead of us. I then realise that Four and I need to think of a project.

"Hey Four."

"Yes Tris?" He replies

"Well we need to get together to think of a topic for biology so do you wanna come over tomorrow after the party or something?"

"Oh are sure that would be great!"

"Ok cool! Well bye Four I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Bye Tris. Bye Caleb." He waves and walks towards the beach as we head up our driveway to our house.

When Four is out of sight Caleb turns towards me slightly angry.

"Tris what the hell! You can't go to that party it's too much of a risk!"

"Well Caleb I can't really do anything about it can I? I mean everyone will think I'm so weird for not going to the first party of the year and plus I'll be careful! I haven't been exposed yet so what makes you think it will happen now?" I ask him slightly annoyed that he doesn't trust me.

"Well it's just because we aren't in Australia with the friends that know of your extreme 'phobia' so they might joke around and splash you."

"Ok I guess that's true but I can just tell them before the party that I'm just as afraid of water as Four is!"

"Yeah but all of the other people there don't know that!"

"Caleb I don't honestly care what you think because I'm going to this party whether you like it or not!" And with that I storm off into the house. I pass my parents and head straight to my room. I just feel like screaming. Why did this have to happen to me?! I never thought that it would be this hard! I decide I need to cool off some steam so I head down to the water to have a swim.

When I hit the water it just reminds me of how much I do love being a mermaid and how all of my troubles on land are worth it.

The next day at school passes really quickly because all I can think about is the pool party in the afternoon. Four came home with Caleb and I so we could get our swimmers. We then all walked to Uriah and Zeke's house which is just down the road and right on the beach like my house.

We enter the house and I start to get nervous when I see everyone in the pool splashing around. Four senses my nervousness so we decided to stay inside for a while.

"Thanks for staying with me Four." I say to him slightly embarrassed.

"It's ok I can't go in the water either because when I was little I almost drowned and have never been in since." I was shocked by what he said because that is my exact excuse!

"Wow, well that's exactly what happened to me!" Maybe he is a merman! God that would be great. We chat for a while until an over excited Christina an Uriah come racing over.

"Hey party poopers!! Come and get in the water NOW it is so warm." Christina practically squeals

"Yeah stop being a bunch of pansycakes and join us!" Uriah exclaims.

"Well Uriah I just found out that Trissy here has the same phobia as me due to a similar accident she had back in Australia. So we won't be getting in the water." Oh thankyou Four!

"Oh poo that sucks anyway bye!" Christina says and then they left as quick as they came.

"Hey Four I'm gonna go get some food if you wanna come." I ask him because I'm starting to get hungry.

"Sure Tris. Let's go." We get up from the couch and head outside towards the pool. I grab some chips and start to eat them whislt watching everyone have fun in the pool. I then see who I have learnt to be the school bully Peter, in the pool with his little minions Molly and Drew. "Hey Tris! Get in the water you look a little, stiff." When Peter makes that rude comment I can feel Four tense up beside me.

"Oi leave her alone Peter." Four snaps back. Why is he protecting me so much today? I try to ignore Peter and turn back around to face the table to grab some more chips when I feel something cold and wet hit my back. I freeze...

Everything seems to go in slow motion from that poor onward. I see Peter, Molly and Drew snickering at me from the pool. I hear Four screaming at me to run so I do. I run and don't look back. With tears in my eyes I head for the ocean and as I dive in I hear someone get in behind me. Oh crap whoever followed me knows now. I'm fully exposed and I just pray that it is Caleb that is behind me. Once I build up enough courage I slowly turn around only to find ...


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