Chapter 7

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A/N Sorry it took me a while to update! The musical I'm in opens tomorrow which meant that I had rehearsals all day finishing at 11pm all week! Any enough with all of my excuses! On with the chapter.

Disclaimer: Veronica Roth is not doing a musical at the moment therefore I am not her.


I wake up with yesterday afternoon fresh in my mind. I get out of bed, grab some clothes and head to the bathroom to have a bath. Showers are too difficult considering I can't stand up so baths have to do! I wash myself and my tail in the water and I'm about to get out when I hear Caleb on the other side of the door.

"Beatrice how long does it take?" He asks me.

"Well I'm having a bath so a while." I yell so he can hear me from behind the door. He just groans in frustration and leaves. He knows that he can't yell at me with the parents in the house otherwise he might expose me.

I eventually dry off and change into my outfit. I run downstairs, grab a banana and was out the door with Caleb right behind me.

"Bye mum and dad! Love you!" I shout as I exit the door. I hear a fait 'love you too!' As I shut the door behind me.

We start walking when someone runs up behind me and grabs my waist. Tobias.

"Good morning beautiful." He says and kisses my cheek.

"Beatrice you can't date FOUR!!! Or any boy for that matter!" Ugh sometimes I really hate Caleb; always so protective.

"First my name is Tris. And second, last time I checked you weren't the boss of me!" I yell at him.

"Don't you think it's a bit dangerous?" He says with a stern face but I see the worry in his eyes.

"Well Caleb, as a matter of fact he already knows! He saved me at the pool party! Where were you? With all your nerdy friends I bet." Poor Tobias just standing there watching us siblings fight. My little statement shut Caleb up. We continues to walk until Tobias decides to speak up.

"Listen Caleb, I promise I'm gonna take great care of Tris."

"And how can I be so sure?" Ugh Caleb is so annoying right now.

"Because I happen to be just like her. We will protect each other." Caleb sighs then walks up to Tobias and stares him in the eyes.

"If you even think about hurting her you have another thing coming." I have to hold back a laugh because Caleb is trying to be intimidating but Tobias towers over him.

By now we are at school and I spot the gang whilst Caleb runs off to his nerd friends.

"Look who it is! My favourite new lovebirds." Uriah exclaims. I blush and Tobias just kisses me in the forehead.

"Hey guys. Let's go to our lockers." Tobias says. I grab Tobias's hand and walk through the doors to our lockers.

xxTimeSkip(after lunch)xx

"You ready for biology?" Tobias asks me.

"Well we never know what Peter will do so as ready as I'll ever be I guess." With that we get up from our lunch table and head to our lockers and then to our classroom.

We take our seats at the back of the classroom and Ms. Mathews marks the role.

Tobias and I decide that this afternoon we are going to go out and take a few photos of our rings and some of the stuff at Tobias's place. We might even draw each others tails! Can't wait this is going to be so fun.


I can't help but overhear Tris telling Tobias that they should go out and take photos and swim around for a bit. I thought those two didn't swim! There is definitely something up with them and I'm gonna find out. The next thing I hear is really surprising. Tobias says that they could draw each others tails. What does that mean? Maybe I should follow them after school to find out. Can you imagine if they are mermaids? Then I could expose them to the world and they would get locked up and I would be rich.

"Dude what are you doing? Are you going to help me?" Drew asks.

"Who cares about the project, I have something far more interesting to be focused on." I say with a smirk on my face; my attention still focused on on Four and Tris.

"I think Four and Tris are mermaids. I'm going to follow them this afternoon. When I capture them I will be rich an they will get locked up, it's perfect!" I tell Drew my plan with a devilish grin on my face. Drew laughs at me and I get really angry.

"Peter I hate them as much as you do but I think this is rediculous! Like seriously, mermaids? This is low even for you. now I'm angry.

"Fine if you don't believe me then I will get proof and make you look stupid. You'll see!" The bell rings and I rush outside so I can grab some things I'll need to capture evidence of Four and Tris.

I race to my house to grab my scuba gear and an underwater camera so I can take a picture and show Drew that I'm not crazy. After that I head to the beach and can't see Tris and Four anywhere. They must be in the water already. I put on my tank and flippers on my dingy and drive out away from the shore.

Once I reach deep enough waters I lower the anchor, get suited up and jump off the boat. I swim across the coral reef looking for any signs of Tris and Four but I find nothing. I keep searching when I see a flicker of purple and blue enter and underwater tunnel. Maybe that was them! It looks really dark in there so I put in my flashlight an swim through trying to to find them.


Tris and I work on our project for a bit in the ocean, laughing and joking around. She really is wonderful. I'm falling fast for this girl. I hear a noise in the distance and see a boat heading towards us. I point it out to Tris and she grabs my hand and starts to swim to my place.

We reach the entrance and I look back to see ... Peter. Seriously! He must has heard us talking during biology. He is so nosey. I quickly grab Tris and swim into the cave. I pray to God that he didn't see us. Just incase he follows us we hop out and dry off. Just as we return to normal I see bubbles forming on the surface of the water meaning Peter is arriving. Shit!!!! What are we going to say to him? We're screwed.

"Ah ha! Wait what?" Peter exclaims. Tris giggles next to me. I do admit Peter does look kinda funny.

"How did you guys get in here?" Peter asks with a smirk.

"There is a door here." I point to the land entrance and he growls.

"I'm on to you two!" And with that he sinks back under the water. I notice Tris release the breathe she was holding. I pull her into my arms and hug her. I whisper in her ear,

"Tris we will be okay. Don't worry about him, he has no evidence and everyone at school will think he is crazy." She chuckles slightly and I kiss her on the forehead. She sighs and I pull her into a kiss on her soft lips. I ask for entrance and she happily obliges. We move in perfect sync with each other as our tongues explore each others mouths. She pulls back for air and we rest our foreheads together. I'm definitely falling hard and fast for this girl.

A/N ugh don't you just hate Peter? Don't forget to review!❤️❤️❤️


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