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"Brandon Brandon!"

"Brandon, you gotta let go Brandon."

"Yeah! We all gotta fall down like the song says Brandy!"

Three beautiful children. Two girls that held hands with a boy, while they swung around in a circle, singing to one another.

"Ring around the rosey, pocket full of poseys, ashes ashes, we all fall down!"

I kept standing while Daniela and Dakota fell. They immediately began protesting.

"Brandon, you gotta fall like the song says!"

"Yeah Brandy!"

I laughed. Dakota always called me Brandy.

They crawled to me and pulled my hands until I fell on the ground with them. We laughed and giggled with each other for the longest time. Daniela and Dakota began to try and tickle me, but I quickly halted their playful advances. Instead I grabbed Daniela's face and kissed her, then Dakota's face and did the same. They both tasted like what we had for lunch; apples and caramel. They giggled then laid down on either side of me, under the nook of my arms.

We stared at the blue sky and the clouds that rolled overhead slowly. It was warm for a fresh, California, spring day. I could smell the daises blooming by the hotel walkway up to the house. I heard the zoom of a passing car.

Daniela and Dakota soon fell asleep under my arms, and their peaceful breaths lulled me into a doze. I just started to drool a little but before I heard the honk of a car horn and my mother yelling my name.

"Brandon! Brandon, time to go home sweetheart!"

I stirred, and with me awoke the girls. "Brandon, you gotta leave?" They asked while wiping their sleepy eyes.

"Yeah, but I'll be back." I looked at them and their faces. Daniela was five and Dakota was just a few months older. I was seven, almost eight. I kissed them one last time then got up to leave.

"Did you have fun?" My mom asked when I got in the car.

"Yeah." I said. We pulled out of the hotel drive and onto the road. I waved bye to Daniela and Dakota, who stood there, briskly waving bye to me long before I started to.

Ring around the rosey.

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