Chapitre Neuf

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"I will fuck you up." Jesse said to me. All I heard was the flick of his controller and my own as we battled on the Nintendo.
   "Fuck! Fuck!" I yelled as I dropped the controller, taking defeat sorely. I didn't just sit here for two hours only to get defeated.
   "Jesse is a fucking boss." Zach said from behind me.
   "Like, no one can beat him." Mikey added.
"Well," Jesse stood and stretched. "I'm a swag ass bitch and not one of you queers can touch me."
   "Fuuuucck you you cocky bastard." Zach popped back. I was so unused to this kind of exposure that I seriously thought they were gonna fight. But, Z just smiled and went back to his phone.
   We were up by the Washington state border at the time, chilling on the tour bus. We had only been gone for a few hours, but I felt like I hadn't seen my girls in ages. I missed them so much. Their soft eyes, their tanned skin. The way they moved so gracefully and so passionately when they played Lacrosse. How they spoke and how they laughed and how they breathed. I kept seeing their faces in my mind, replaying the most beautiful moments over and over and over again.
   "Hey Brandon, you alright?" Mikey asked me.
"Y-yeah I'm fine." I answered, rubbing my face. "Just thinking is all."
   He nodded. "You seemed a bit upset."
"He's just a fucking sore loser." Jesse said, returning with some Yager. "Here, have a shot and feel better."
   I took the shot glass full of the sap-colored liquid and raised it in a small toast. I drank it more out of sadness than out of joy.
   It went down hard and it stung.
"Boys, this is the first stop on this tour coming up. We'll really be testing you Brandon. We've got bigger groups and a lot of meet and greets, and a shit load of people will know everything you do so either do one of two things; stay in the group or get out if you don't like it because they will find out shit you didn't even know you did."
   I nodded. "I'm prepared."
"Positive?" Jes asked.
"I sure as hell hope so." He plopped down at my feet and drank straight from the bottle.
   "You think your old girlfriend will show up at this show like she did last time?" Jeremy asked.
   Jesse snorted. "Fucking bitch. If she does she can finish what she started with Brandon."
   My heart fell.
Jesse looked at me out of the corner of his eye. "Ahh I'm just kidding man, chill out. Here, have another shot."
  He filled my glass.
"I can't stand her anymore. If she's there I'll tell security to tear her ticket right in front of her and tell her to go home."
   "Damn." Someone said.
Jesse stirred the liquid by twirling his wrist. "I'm so happy I moved on."
   I swallowed my shot hard.
He may have moved on,

  but he hasn't forgotten.

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