Chapitre Une

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Chapitre Un

"Brandon Brandon!"

"Oh dearest Brandy!"

I looked at the two girls who were looking at me over their shoulders.

"I'm RIGHT here you two. What?"

"Nothing." They giggled.

Thirteen years. Thirteen years had shaped us into young adults. It had given us height and weight and muscle. It gave beautiful qualities to both of my girls, Daniela and Dakota. They weren't really 'my girls'; we didn't date, nor had we ever, we just have been together since we were all very young. So, I knew them as sisters to me. Of course, time changes and so do feelings and emotions; I started to feel weird in places when I was around nine, and they were swimming in the creek a few miles toward the way private school. They knew no better, they were just six-ish, so they wore only their underwear. Pink and white stripes, and black and pink flowers. Of course, there was nothing to marvel at at the time. I just felt something weird take place in me.

"Brandon Brandon!"

I rushed to Dakota and grabbed her by her jowls, holding her head in place so that her eyes penetrated mine. Any passerby or guest entering the hotel lobby would think I was attacking her, but it simply was something we made into a habit. It was first her move when we wrestled as youngsters, and then we just picked up the habit. Its been nine years running.

She grinned her evil little grin.

"Say my name one more time and I'll break your neck."

"Brandon, let her go."

Daniela. Daniela was the sweet, beautiful girl that could steal your heart in a single instant. She always could. I remember us three panhandling for money at the grocery store so we could buy candy. Daniela always stood there, sweet and innocent, in her blue flower dress, and got the most money. One time she even got someone to buy her BAGS of candy.

But she always had this charm about her. Over the years, she's filed out to be quite a curvy, lean, young woman. Her black, wavy/curly hair brushed her belt-line. She had a thin waist, and long legs; just the perfect picture of the ideal teenage girl. Her skin was tan, beautiful in contrast to her green-brown eyes and jet black locks. I still can't fathom why no guy has asked to be her boyfriend yet. But then again, I would kick the ass of any guy who thought they were good enough to be with my Daniela.

"Brandon, what have I told you about horse-playing in the lobby."

"Sorry Aunt Maharet."

Maharet was Daniela and Dakota's caretaker. She came into the lobby with a basket full of soaps and shampoos. She had on a long, dark red velvet dress that gently hugged her body. Maharet was a descendant of those in France who came to Louisiana. She was a tall, graceful woman; with the ease of a panther and the calming silence of a mother. Maharet was only nearly fifty at this time, but she had an eternal beauty to her, unsurpassed by any woman her age. I, thought she was beautiful in her own sort of way, and this wasn't because I was a hormonal boy.

Aunt Maharet wasn't really my Aunt, nor was she Dakota and Daniela's mother. The two girls aren't related either. Dakota's mother took her own life shortly after Dakota was born, and Daniela was dumped on the steps of Maharet's home before she moved here to California. It is believed through records that Daniela is from Portugal, but how she got here is a mystery. The girls seemingly found their way into Maharet's care by a stroke of luck, and by some miracle.

"I'm sorry." I said, letting Dakota go.

Aunt Maharet smiled. "Would you mind taking these down to the rooms Brandon?"

I took the basket from her.

"Girls, don't you think you should be getting ready?"

"This early?" Daniela asked.

"It's four." Maharet checked the laptop at the front desk. "You've got time. I just thought you should get ready so that you'd have extra time to practice."

"Yes Maharet." The girls said.

"Last to the house has to eat a pickled egg!" Daniela proposed.

"Not on my watch!"

The girls flew out of the lobby, running full force up to the house.

"No cutting corners!" Dakota yelled as Daniela made a b-line for the hill. They ran and climbed up, and jostled at the door before disappearing inside of it.

I walked down the walkway to the rooms and saw our little billboard with papers fluttering in the breeze.

¥Çømę şęę åmåżínğ ţåłënţ ånð mëëţ łöçåł bånð ș. Ťønïğhť @ Ţhë $ÏŁV3Ř ÇÅFË. 6:00 PM.¥

This intrigued me. For the longest time I've been trying to perfect my drumming skills to be good enough to play in a real band. I've always heard The Silver Cafe was the hotspot for good, local talent. Maybe I'll catch something there.

I took the slip off of the bulletin board and stuffed it in my pocket while I headed into the next room. Dakota and Daniela's Lacrosse game started at six, so I probably was going to miss some, if not all of it, but if nothing happened at the cafe, I'll just call it a day and come home. What did I have to loose?

I put the shampoos in the shower then looked at myself in the mirror. There was a note tucked there.

Ring around the rosey

Pocket full of poseys

Ashes ashes

We all fall down.

It was Daniela's handwriting and Dakota's artistry on the border. I always find notes like these from them.

What did I have to loose.

(The picure is of Aunt Maharet)

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