Chapitre Huit-part ||

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~••Thę Gïrls••~

"Maharet, no. We've waited our whole lives for this!"
   "I know. Calm down, it'll be okay girls I-"
    We cried. There was no turning back, no faking how we felt. Our whole lives had been full of wonders and beauty and dreams, and now, they were crushed. We reached for the stars, and just when we were about to catch the most beautiful one, we were abruptly snatched away.
   We sat at the table. It was dim in our kitchen, with a few bulbs in the chandelier being blown. I was leaned forward, my head in my hands, elbows propped on the table. Daniela was across from me with a blank, devastated stare on her face, and Maharet was sitting at her spot at the head of the table in disappointment. It was nine o'clock at night. Dinner had long since been over.
    "There was no easy way to say it." Maharet spoke after a while. Poor woman, I could never have done her job. Her deep velvet green top made the brown of her eyes sort of blend in a beautiful way. I admired Maharet, I did. I loved her because she has been a mother to all of us for so long. She was hardly the bearer or bad news, and always supported us on our dreams, but there was nothing she could do about this.
   "I'm gonna go for a walk." I said, getting up from the silent table. Maharet said nothing; she wouldn't dare say no because she couldn't say anything else further.
   I felt my heart hit the ground with my footsteps. I was stepping all over it.


I got up from the table and went to my room. My whole life was over.
   I sat down on my pastel pink bed spread with black trim. My room smelled like lavender and Brandon's cologne. Our rooms always smelled like each other. Somewhere, under all my scents, there was sports equipment and cucumbers and lemons-Dakota.
  I fell back and stared at the ceiling. I saw my Bring Me The Horizon poster out of the corner of my eye.
  I felt so bad. What could have prevented this? If Maharet had said something sooner, maybe it wouldn't be as bad. I couldn't believe after all this time, this happens. Right when our lives reach an apex and we can finally move on and be free.
   I rolled over and dialed Brandon's number. I got him on the fifth ring.
"Hey Brandon." I said.
   "Hey Daniela. What's going on? You sound upset."
   "Sort of." I replied.
"What is it?"


I sat on our rock by the creek, hearing the woosh woosh of the water. I was so pissed off. More disappointed than anything. I had scholarships! Daniela and I both had careers laid out! And for what? For this? I would think our lives were meant for A LOT better than this.
   I played with my Vans. What were we going to do now? What was there to do. I wanted the life I planned for, not this. I love it here, but more than ever did I want to leave.
    There was no mistaking my irritation. I laid on the rock and searched my brain for something else to think on. Then, I got it.
   I always wanted to do it. I really liked the style, so I was going to do it. I had the money, knew where to get the material to pull it off. I was going to do this once me and Daniela left. But, since that is out of the question, I'll just do what I had planned. It cleared my mind of all the shit at the moment.
    This was just the beginning.
We were going to do this.

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