Chapitre Six

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"We got them Brandy! We got them we got them we got them!"
   Dakota ran up to me and basically tackled me with her bear hug. She was hot and smelled like fresh cucumbers and sports gear. Typical Dakota scents. I felt her shoulder blades under my hands and was surprised at how muscular she was. Lacrosse did her well.
   "Got what? Let me see?"
At that time, beautiful little Daniela came down the step-walkway to us. Her long hair was waving gently with the breeze. Her skin was glistening on her shoulders where her white indie shirt didn't go, and down her long tan legs to her converse. She wore her favorite pair of black shorts. I loved looking at sweet little Daniela. She was always the kind one, the gentle one; the one I would be more willing to kill for if someone hurt her. Not that I wouldn't do the same for Dakota, they're both my world. If you do something to cross Daniela, then you've REALLY done something bad though. In fact, I don't think I've known anyone who didn't like Daniela.
   Dakota let her stack of papers go for me and put her hands in her gym shorts pockets. They were blue speckled with black trim. She wore her Drop Dead Clothing Braineater T-shirt that she was lucky enough to find because it's kind of rare. She adores that thing. And, of course her black Classic Vans. She had her ankle bracelet on, the one Daniela also has, and the one on my wrist too. Just a plain little shell on a white braided string with one bead of our favorite color. We've had these for years.
   I looked over some papers for Daniela. They were for the college she was accepted into for Journalism. It was a southern Californian college. The next papers were Dakota's which were her Journalism course acceptance papers that were just like Daniela's! They were going to college together like they dreamed of! They both would be playing Lacrosse there too.
  "This is so great you two!" I hugged them both and kissed their cheeks. "I can't believe it!"
   "You've got news too!" Daniela said.
"I do." I texted them on my way over to tell them I had a surprise. "I'm in the band!"
   They yelled and high fived and gave me hugs and kisses. "Congratulations Brandy!"
  "That's fantastic!"
"That's not all," I smirked. "We're gonna be touring all up and down California for gigs to start off their next tour."
   "Really? When will that start?"
"Sometime next week."
   They nodded, something sad in their eyes.
  "Well, let's go celebrate! I say wings and raw oysters!" Dakota jumped in the air.
   "Ew! Only you eat those things!"
"More for me!"
   My girls.

The school year was ending, and that meant a lot of planning for graduation. Maharet was very proud of her girls-she always was- and even more proud when their GPA scores came back. 4.0 and 4.1. Definite college acceptance scores. I couldn't fathom a greater time in my life where time was both rushed and slowed down with them. I was going to be leaving and so were they. Never, since we were kids, had we been separated for longer than like a week, and that's an overestimation. We three were always together. And now, them going to college and me touring in a band, though great achievements because we all got our dreams, would separate us. But, as we know, if a true friendship is meant to last, it will, regardless of the circumstances. And I know ours will.
   It was the day before graduation. The girls were out practicing and I was sitting on the bleachers texting Jesse.
   ~Where u at?~ he asked.
•Blarins Field•
   I looked up to watch them. Daniela was running powerfully, throwing the ball as far up as she could so that it would graze the top of the net. Her throw was graceful and strong; she threw her upper body into it, twisting and jumping into the air. Her shirt spiraled out away from her torso, so I saw the twist and flex of her rib and abdomen muscles. Her hair flew in her ponytail, and when she contacted with the ground, the muscles in her thighs flexed so hard they moved her gym shorts. She was damn good at her position. She played left defensive wing, which can be summarized as:  as position requiring substantial
running, as the players' primary
responsibility is to guard the opponent's
left attack wing. Her fanbase-which her and Dakota had, who supported them all the time on the field- called her the Michael Jordan of Lacrosse. Her moves always varied, and she threw high; something to throw the goalie way off.
   Dakota was the goalie. The primary role of this position is keeping balls out of the net. A goalie must be quick on her feet and willing to go after loose balls around the crease area. The more confident your goalie is, the more effective she'll be at turning away the different types of shots she'll
face. This was DEFINITELY Dakota's job. She and Daniela are both bigger than most other girls- not fat, but tall and lean. Daniela had a cute figure with a small waist and curvy hips; she was faster and very quick on her feet. Dakota was a bit heavier, and also quick on her feet, but she was bulkier. I'm not talking either of them like muscle-men bulky, but athletes. Anyway, Dakota was surely destined to be a goalie because she could move fast and had protection and confidence in her team. Plus, she was pretty intimidating to would-be scorers looking to make a shot.
   And so she was now. She leaped up, her long body fully stretched to combat the ball. She swatted it away, doing what she was best at, and landed with a soft plant that made her thighs flex like Daniela's. These girls were fucking awesome. If you could see them play, see the rawness in their eyes and the focus, confidence, and determination in their strides, you would never want to watch anyone else. I certainly didn't. My girls were the shit, and they knew it.
    I looked at my phone.
~Come by tonight. We'll be leaving in the morning.~ Jesse said.
   NO! My girls' graduation was tomorrow at nine!
   •what time?• I asked. Please don't say nine, please don't say nine.
~like, 7:45. We're going to north Cali.~
   FUCK. Was I going to miss their graduation?????
   I almost started crying.

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