Chapitre Sept

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Chapitre Sept

I did. I DID miss their graduation. It tore me up when I showed up, running full force, hot and sweaty, and dressed too shabbily for something like this, at 10:49 am. They were already WAYY past the B's. I couldn't see their faces, so from behind everyone looked the same. I cussed under my breath and ran a hand into my hair.
"Dammit Jesse."
That time had passed by so quickly, and I didn't really stop to think that the day we would begin touring would be the day they would be graduating. I didn't think about it! I was so damn pissed it wasn't even funny, and in all my rage I hadn't even realized I had walked back to my car. I stared at the ground, the sky, anything. What was I to say to them? How was I going to tell them that I missed their graduation because Jesse insisted I be there for equipment check and packing up to leave, when in all actuality, it was only to sit around and play video games? He wouldn't let me leave, said we would begin momentarily after Jeremy made breakfast, and after me and him finished playing Nintendo. Every moment there was torturous because I knew what I was missing! For YEARS, we said we would be at each others' graduations, WE PROMISED! and because of some stupid shit, I missed my babies achieve the greatest thing. I believe my issues began there. I do believe they did.
I leaned against my car until people started to leave out of the private school's stadium. I saw Dakota and Daniela, along with Aunt Maharet eventually. They ran over to me, well, the girls did, like I had done no wrong by not showing up until it was too late.
"Brandy! You made it!"
They hugged me and kissed my cheeks. They smelled like freshly drycleaned clothes due to their blue and black cap-and-gowns.
"I got held up by Jesse's dumbass, so I didn't come until it was too late." I said solemnly.
"It's okay Brandon." Daniela kissed my cheek again. ". At least you did make it."
"Here, you three get together and smile." Maharet said.
I knew then, i would have to look at that picture religiously everyday. Dakota on my right, Daniela on my left, smiling and looping their arms behind me, as we leaned against my car. It was so perfect then, that moment. Their smiling faces. Their gorgeous eyes and perfect hair and all around flawlessness. They meant the world to me. I was sad to have to leave them.
"Woohoo!" Dakota threw her cap into the air, and we heard it thud my windshield a few seconds later.
"Good job there scooter." Daniela laughed.
I got to say my byes to them later on that day as we walked all over Blarins Field. We talked for hours and hours, until Jesse's twenty-third call and eighteenth text message told me he was pissed at why I wasn't there. He could wait surely. I kissed them full-on as I have before, hugged them tight and held them both to me, trying to stain myself with their heat, their scents, their touches. If I could stay, I would. If I could take them with me, I wouldn't hesitate. But, they had futures and so did I, even if they were separated now. At least we all got our dreams.

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