Chapitre Quatorze

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There was an old song playing, one I only heard hardly once before, in The Silver Café. It wasn't anything special, just something dark and kind of moody. Everyone in here knew it, even the girl I came here to

She sat at the bar though she was too young to drink. Her maroon shorts and black tights, and these cool shoes, boots, that twinkled under the lights. She had on a denim jacket and a black undershirt. She looked around her nervously, and tucked some hair behind her ear. I saw her throat, her beautiful, long throat. She looked down at the bar top, scratching at it for no reason, waiting. Waiting for what, I didn't know.
   I was on the stage sitting behind the curtains and easily watching her without anyone noticing me. It's easy to not be noticed by people here; it was dimly lit with corners and shadows everywhere, and no one is particularly concerned about the other. They don't even really care about the bands that play, just themselves and the aura of the place. You could do anything here and no one would notice or care. I've witnessed people making out at tables and in some corners, touches and pleasures on people's faces. Anabel and I, when we were still together, had sex several times in the shadows off the side of the stage. See, anything goes here.
   I guess that was why little Daniela was so scared. A couple were groping one another in the back corner behind her. She pretended not to notice, even though her eyes flicked occasionally to them to see. The music was dark and ethereal, the type to set up fear and arousal in people. No band played tonight.
   I continued to watch her. She was still sitting there, legs crossed, eyes cast downward into her lap. What was this beautiful girl doing in such a place as this? She could get attacked or kidnapped if someone wanted her bad enough.
   She looked around at the few tables of people, then across the stage, across some old equipment and then

to me.

I didn't look away. All she might could see would be eyes, but I highly doubted she saw anything. Then again...
   She squinted her brow them leaned just a tiny bit forward. She was looking hard at the very SLIGHT opening in the curtains. Maybe she saw me, and if she did I was happy.
   She was staring so intently. She heard nothing else, saw nothing else but what she was determined to see. Oh she was beautiful. Beautiful facial structure, big heavenly eyes, shadowed by the lack of light and highlighted by the presence of. I smiled, slow and full of meaning. Her eyes widened.
   She flung herself forward out of her chair and clutched her jacket to her, moving fast.
  "I'm sorry ma'am." It was the man of the couple that were behind her; they had since stopped and had moved to the bar for drinks, and the man accidentally bumped Daniela.
   She hurried out, past the stage, her eyes downward. She was going to the back entrance to leave. I watched her walk out. When she passed, I saw tears rolling down her face. Poor Daniela.
   I turned back to my black-bound book. I wrote down some words, nothing in particular, and smiled at them.
    The magic of Silver.

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