Chapitre Trois

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Chapitre Trois

~CREEK. 9:00~
I read the text again while I walked through the woods. It was dark and kind of scary here, but it always has been when we would sneak out here. I felt anything could jump out at me at any moment.
I heard the water long before I saw it bathed by an almost full moon. The waters turned and twisted, crinkling in and out of black and white, as they rolled down. The roar of the twenty foot water fall gave me chills from its tender draft, as well as how massive it looked at night. The moon obscured almost everything around it to be just darkened outlines, leaving it glowing. The steady roar was solid.
Two nearly invisible figures were on our famous rock; the rock we've been on thousands of times before. One sat, and one lay. One turned once I knocked on our tree seven times. We established this when we first began to sneak out here; one or two could be easily missed, and seven was a lucky number and Dakota's favorite, so we went with it.
"Dearest Brandon. How kind of you to join us." I heard Dakota's ghostly voice.
"Hey." I sat down beside Daniela who was the one sitting up. "What's up Daniela?"
"Nothing much."
We sat there in the natural sound of the creek, in our own perpetual silence for a minute.
"How was your game?" I asked.
"We fucking lost by two points." Dakota said.
"Only because Kappa fumbled at the very last second." Daniela added. I could feel her roll her eyes. "She's always doing that."
"Her boyfriend plays Lacrosse on the other school's male team." Dakota said. "She's got like an oath to them or something because of him."
Daniela sighed.
"How'd your night go Brandon?"
I shrugged. "I went to The Silver Cafe."
"Jerk!" They both said at the same time. "Why didn't you tell us?"
"Because," I laughed. "It really was a last minute decision, and you guys had a game anyway."
"Well, that's pas bon. Take us next time."
"So do continue."
I drew up my legs. "I saw a few performances then met some of my old friends from high school. They let me play with them."
"Really?" Dakota asked.
"So cool." Daniela added.
"Yeah. They said we'll get together again sometime to see if I'll be good for their band. They recently lost their drummer so they decided to try me out."
Daniela patted my hand. "You'll do great. You're a great drummer. They'd be stupid to let talent like yours slip away into the air."
I loved how she spoke.
"Yeah. We're proud of you Brandy."
I smiled.
We spent another few minutes out there, enjoying ourselves like we had so many times before. Just us three, the moon, the trees, and the creek all together like we should be. Me and my girls.
Time passed, then I heard Daniela speak, bringing me out of my doze.
"We should probably get going before Maharet decides to pop in on us to see if we're sleeping."
Dakota inhaled, suggesting she was dozing too. "Alright."
We stood and stretched, then began walking out of the woods and back toward the hotel and their house. We were all tired and ready for bed, so our trek was silent. We came up on the hotel a few minutes later, the sign reading 'NO VACANCY'. We walked across the lawn to their house, out of immediate sight, until we reached the side of the house where their rooms were. There was a tree there that they climbed to get to Dakota's room, then they would disperse from there.
"Goodnight Brandy." Dakota came and hugged me, then we leaned to kiss each other's cheeks. She was starting up the tree when sweet Daniela came and hugged me around my throat and kissed my cheek as I had hers. We never said bye without doing it.
They both disappeared inside her room, and then I started my walk back down the slight hill to the hotel where I was staying. Maharet let me live here since I worked here. I opened my door and flopped onto my bed after shutting it. I was beat.
I stripped to my boxers and tucked under the covers, the events of the night scattering in my mind. Maybe I could get the place as their drummer? Surely we were alright if they at least spoke to me, acknowledged my existence? I couldn't keep questioning myself.
So I went to bed with the 'A Little Death' in my head.

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