I'll come back to you (RomeChu)

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The polished floors shone magesticaly, Yao observed as his figure reflected on the floor, though it did not resemble him wearing the business suit but a long silky robe, he wondered if it was his mind playing games or telling him that this was the place for him..

Instead of the crowded streets and the meaningless meetings, a museum seemed more fit to his being, he was an antiquity after all. The spacious rooms were empty, his footsteps echoed on the place, golden engravings and the paintings depicted joyful faces and playful scenes, a tall sculpture stood in the center, the white marbled figure defined with precise chisels.

The curly waves on the statue's head were familiar, Yao approached the figure slowly, it wasn't the first time he encountered a nostalgic feeling in a place like this, but the traces of a fading smile on the white face, made his heart skip a bit.

Yao extended his hand, reaching for the sculpture's cheek. If he closed his eyes, he could picture warm evenings, the flowing of a river, the chirping of birds and... laughter, laughter from a voice he had not heard in a long time.

"Don't look at me like that"

The voice resounded in the empty room, Yao raised his stare slowly, meeting a pair of brown eyes, he faltered, retrieving his hand. "Like what?"

The other man took his hand, giving it a soft kiss. "Like you still love me."

"Romulus" Yao's hand quivered. "Why are you here?"

"I should be asking you the same. It's been a long time since you paid me a visit." A smile formed on his lips as he gave Yao's hand a light thug, enveloping him in a hug. "I knew you were as brisk as the wind, but it never occurred to me that you'd leave to never come back."

Yao relished on the smell of myrrh and the warmth radiating from the other's body, a content sight escaping him. "I can stay if you want"

"That would please me a lot." Romulus' hold grew tighter, his voice hushed. "I have waited for a long time but I'm willing to wait more, there's a whole room filled with nations expecting your arrival."

After the words left his mouth, Yao lost the warm feeling around him, the arms enveloping him disappeared, and he found himself standing a bit too close to the marbled statue.

"It'll be just a couple of hours," Yao said, stepping away from the room, a weight settling on his shoulders. "I'll come back to you in no time" he beamed, as if the words would vanish the feeling of guilt from his mind. 

Hetalia Oneshots/ drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now