Red Flag (RusAmeChu)

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There were a lot of signs of misfortune, a dark cloud could foretell a heavy rain, vultures circling the sky presaged death and a heavy locomotive passing at full speed and missing it's stop usually meant trouble.

Alfred didn't wait for an order, the red kerchief tied to the machinery wagon was a sign of outlaws, and the welcome crowd gathered around the railroads screamed an easy target to be held hostage.

The air was heavy, Alfred could barely make out the pathway ahead, he could feel the sun shining with all its might, his leather gloves making his hands sweat.

A small town was hard to take care of, provided with little professionals, a new doctor was a sign of hope for the population and a treasured individual for the mayor, of course the outlaws would take the opportunity to gain some money.

He lowered his head, pulling the reins slightly and leaning on the horse, the animal quickened his pace, leaving a dusty trail as it moved its hooves.

The railroad screeched louder the more he approached, Alfred patted the horse before taking a deep breath, completely sure that it would not run directly into a tree. A cowboy had to trust his horse to death, right?

The locomotive grew near in an incredibly fast speed, Alfred drew out a small smile, grunting as he let go of the reins and kneeled on the mounting, the last wagon drew closer and he leaped forward, almost missing the railing and catching himself with one hand.

He greeted his teeth as he propped himself up, hooking his foot on the window and taking a good hold of the roof. As he crawled upward, the wind blew violently and he couldn't hear anything besides the roaring of the locomotive.

He kept advancing, from wagon to wagon until his eyes caught the sight of bullet holes. A gunshot to the roof usually secured the obedience of a hostage crew, more than one meant that someone had tried to play the hero.

Through the small holes he could get a glimpse inside, there were three men by the front door huddling behind a table, one right in front of them, laying down -the wannabe hero wasn't that bad- two figures barricading behind a counter, probably the doctor and it's savior sheltering themselves from the outlaws and another man approaching the back door. Alfred took out his gun, six bullets, four men, he could do it.

He started by knocking on the roof, a gunshot resounded and he saw 'backdoor man' fall off the train. Good, Mr. Savior had some brains, hopefully it would tell him not to shoot the roof.

A crashing sound resounded and smoke started to cloud Alfred's sight. He hurried to the front of the wagon, if a fire had been set, the doctor and his companion would have to leave their safe place.

Aim and fire. One, the bullet caught a man in the left shoulder, angry eyes were staring back at him as a revolver pointed his way. Alfred didn't hesitate to shoot again, the man fell to the ground. The roof was getting warmer. Everything was good, three men and four bullets left.

He cursed when a gunshot resounded and his hat fell. He pointed the gun and pressed the trigger, gasping as he got a blow from behind and missed the shot. Alright, three bullets, one for each. He turned his head, just in time for a hard punch to the face.

Bang, Alfred had to admit that he didn't mean for the fourth bullet to waste that way. The man stumbled letting out a wail, Alfred took the opportunity to fire again. Two men, one bullet left.

A gunshot resounded, this time dangerously close, another followed, coming from below and he had to retreat. He made his way to the back of the wagon again, if he and Mr. Savior worked together; they'd have more than just one bullet.

He jumped down, taking off his sheriff badge and opening the door, hissing as he was kicked on the calf and dropping his badge. Alfred was about to kick the man back, when the barrel of a gun was aimed right in his face.

His eyes darted from the gagged young man on the floor to the harsh golden glare of the aimer.

"Easy, I'm here to help,"Alfred moved his hand, motioning at the rusty star on the floor. The blonde on the floor, whined, looking at him with widened eyes.

"How did you get the job if you have such a bad aim?" The brown haired man with golden eyes scoffed, coughing and covering his nose with a silken bandana, the gun was lowered and he dragged the young man back.

Alfred frowned, glancing at his coal stained hands as the man inspected his badge. "Can we stop the train?"

"It's fairly easy, there's a leaver on the machinery that halts it. The problem is, our friend over there," He said, motioning with his head, where a flipped table lay. Alfred's attention was caught by another whine from the young man, he tapped him with his foot, his eyes traveling from Alfred to the back door.

"You can see that the doctor is a softy,"

"Why didn't you untie him?" Alfred asked, stepping closer before being shoved down, a bullet hole gracing the place where his head had been just a second ago.

"I've been a bit busy," the other said, reaching for the shotgun again. Alfred took a deep breath, this was the lucky bullet, he took the opportunity to aim as the last attacker was busy sheltering from his partner, with a small movement of his finger the smell of gunpowder grew overwhelming, the gunfire resounded thunderously, and the man fell to the ground.

Alfred laid back, lowering his arm and whipping the sweat from his forehead. He gave the doctor a small smile, approaching him as he shook his head. "It's fine, it's almost over,"

The man next to him chuckled. "Just one left,"

"Where's the oth-"Alfred's words were interrupted with a sudden blow in his head. "Ah, fuck" he blurted, there was a pause as he locked his gaze with the other. "I mean, lawsy!"

Laughter erupted from the other man, several voices joined and a ring resounded as well as a shout of 'cut' coming from the director.

Alfred stood up from the floor, glancing around, the tied up blonde was shaking with laughter too.

"Lawsy!" The director shouted, letting out a laugh. "I'm considering leaving that, but the curse has to go. Why don't you get a rest before doing it again?"

Alfred nodded, freeing his hands from the leather gloves, his heart beat hastily as his co-worker approached.

"You are unbelievable," The man beside him offered him his hand and Alfred frowned. How could he stay so calm when he had ruined the shooting?

He had made these two experienced actors break out of their roles. "I'm sorry," Alfred said, lowering his eyes, they'd have to start the scene over again.

"No, don't apologize." Another voice joined, this time it was Ivan. "It's a compliment, I had to double check, I thought he had actually hit you."

"Right? I was growing scared." Yao said, patting him on the shoulder. "The fourth gunshot wasn't supposed to go off in that moment yet you just went with it,"

"That's impressive, and the chase!" Ivan beamed, a smile growing on his face, "I could never ride a horse like that, which is party why I didn't apply to be a ranger,"

Alfred looked at them dumbfounded, his face burning with embarrassment at their words.

"Someone's got his vocabulary on point, where did you get the lawsy from?" Yao asked.

Alfred shrugged, not wanting to embarrass himself by speaking of his cowboy obsessed childhood.

"We should take the hint and let the director laugh it off," Ivan stood up, stretching his arms and giving him a wink. "Howdy partners, wanna go for some Adam's ale?"

"Thought you'd never ask, doc."

Alfred snorted, walking beside them. "I ain't refusing the offer, sir,"

Though awkward, the small room in the front wagon gave them a bit of privacy, it was secluded enough to hear each other but not as silent as the machinery roared every now and then.

As the red kerchief danced vigorously, battling with the wind, Alfred let a smile settle on his face. This movie was a blessing for him, an opportunity to escalate in the entertainment industry, and a good omen for the future.

His aching hands and dry throat were soothed with the cold water, and his heart fluttered with joy, this small talk could be the sign of a good start for them.

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