Secret Discovery(Portvene)

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Vast, unknown, deep, the ocean was normally that for most people.

For Feliciano the ocean was full of signs, as an artist he was used to the long and deep conversations regarding artworks. The ocean in its natural glory was used by writers and painters to symbolize their feelings, omens and desires.

It wasn't coincidental that his own paintings were stained with the variety of shades of blue in Poseidon's lair, scenes depicting the ocean with it's untamable force, it's overwhelming darkness and it's infinite presence becoming a trademark for him.

How could he ignore such beauty for so long? His life had changed for the better since he abandoned land to fall in the arms of the unknown, though he had hesitated at first the ocean had an interesting way of calling for him.

Luring him with the voice of siren, though merman could be a better term in this case. Now he painted the ocean, the signs he'd always look for in it, the green pecks of color on it, the playful swirls on the water.

Adventure had first called, in the name of a certain nobleman that wanted a grandiose scientific discovery. Feliciano was sent on an enormous embarkation, the rocking of the ship had him sick the first weeks, he wanted nothing but to return home or any land that would receive him.

The eight day his mind was deceiving him, he had hoped for the fresh air to cure his dizziness, his wish vanishing as his face was splashed with water, a melodious laughter caught his attention.

In the water a man no more older than him was swimming effortlessly. Feliciano reached out his hand so the other could return to the ship, his eyes widening at the sight of a beautiful green slimmy fish like tail.

The creature noticed his astonishment, diving into the dark waters and leaving him alone. A discovery, this was going to put him and the crew on the history books but a small voice in his head whispered for him to stay silent.

He had been asked to depicted the wildlife they encountered and that's exactly what Feliciano did, in the confines of his room, the whispers became thunderous and he kept his mouth shut.

He would raise early, the silent mornings filled him with joy, a beautiful creature with a beautiful name, João was charming, cracking jokes about their ship, requesting for drawings that could sink on the water without disappearing.

That was quite a challenge, Feliciano complied by placing the paper inside a bottle, sealing it carefully and warning João to keep it closed. In exchange the merman had told him about the sharks that lingered the area and the closest location for them to find land.

In the island they gathered enough food, he made sure to visit the shore every night, the distance between them vanished and Feliciano found himself longing to run his hands through the smooth skin of João.

The waves' movement ever so soft welcomed him into the shore, Feliciano walked over the undulating path of wet sand, his feet sinking with each step.

The water came every now and then dampening his feet, he took a deep breath, walking further into the water, until it reached his chest, waiting.

He squinted his eyes, the moonlight illuminating the water, a light squeeze on his hand took him out of his thoughts. He turned to see João's smile and he returned the smile, embracing the other tightly.

The ocean was vast, unknown, deep but in João's arms it felt familiar, warm and cozy. The salty taste of his lips was intoxicating and their shared silence calming.

Discoveries were nice but secrets were delightful.

Hetalia Oneshots/ drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now