Can I stay here tonight? (Prumano)

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Lorenzo was minding his own business in the office, if only his brother didn't trail after his friends every friday, he wouldn't have to stay back and finish this paperwork, freezing because the heater was yet to be fixed.

The window was closed, a futile attempt to keep a trace of warmth in the place, city lights visible as he gazed outside, how pathetic of him to spend his friday night working. On the bright side, he wouldn't be the one begging for a new deadline, so the sacrifice was worth it.

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a small rock on the window, Lorenzo frowned, the least he needed was to be the victim of a stupid joke.

He opened the window about to start a string of warnings to whatever kids dared to bother him, faltering as he saw Gilbert, smiling and waving his hand.

"Come here!" He said. Lorenzo refused to acknowledge the fluttering feeling on his stomach, he closed the window begrudgingly and arranged his stuff.

Downstairs, Gilbert was waiting for him, tucked in a winter coat, an espresso in hand.

The chilly wind made him shiver, Lorenzo took the beverage from his hand and gave it a hesitant sip. "What brings you here? it's freezing, you should have stayed at home."

"You say that because your coat is not warm enough." Gilbert patted him on the back, letting out a small laugh. "I just thought you deserved a reward for your hard work."

"Thank you." Lorenzo smiled, staring at the snowy streets, the cars were passing by swiftly.

"Oh, no. Don't think the coffee is your reward." Gilbert took his hand, ushering to walk with him. "I have something else prepared."

Lorenzo kept sipping on the coffee, even after he had already finished the last drop, the heat on his face was not going away, and he might as well pretend it was from the warmth.

Perhaps, it was from the warmth, not physical warmth, but something else. Lorenzo was fond of Gilbert and his smug smile, his silly jokes and his pale hair that looked like a halo when the sunlight bathed it in the right angle and... ugh, why was he thinking about it?

Gilbert squeezed his hand lightly, tugging his arm a bit to lead him into the building. Lorenzo arched an eyebrow, this was the way to his apartment. What exactly was Gilbert planning?

Once they entered the flat, Gilbert took his heavy coat off. "Thank god, it's not burnt."

Lorenzo saw him run into the kitchen, open the oven and... was that lasagna? The smell was certainly tempting and his stomach grumbled.

Gilbert arranged the table, and presented him the dish, a nervous laugh escaping him. "It's obviously not as good as the ones you make, but I tried my best, ok?"

Lorenzo smiled, taking the fork and tasting the food. "You are right, it's not like the ones I've prepared." He said, Gilbert lowered his eyes and Lorenzo wondered if he should make him suffer a bit more. "It's delicious, I can see that you've practiced, thank you." He finally said, taking another bite and humming.

Their dinner was peaceful, a silly smile was glued in Gilbert's face, they talked about everything and nothing, time passing without them noticing and Lorenzo couldn't wish for a better night.

When Gilbert retrieved the dishes, Lorenzo shifted on his seat, averting his gaze from the other man. "Can I stay here tonight?"

"I was not planning for you to leave." Gilbert let out a laugh, approaching him and taking his hand. "You can stay with me as long as you want."

"What if I never want to leave." Lorenzo kept his head lowered, his hand tightening his hold. "Would you tolerate me?"

"No." Gilbert said, Lorenzo swore that his heart had stopped for a moment. "I would be very happy if you stayed with me forever."

He embraced Gilbert tightly, a smile forming on his face, he didn't care if he was blushing, if he had been corny, this warmth he felt, he wanted to cherish it as long as it lasted.

Hetalia Oneshots/ drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now