Light my fire (RusPru)

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// A/N: This story was written for rusprutober, the prompt was claws and fangs.  GiIbert is Frankenstein's creature, this story takes place after the creature supposedly died alongside his creator, which is why it mentions Gilbert taking his life, though he didn't really die (or he did but came back) Ivan is a werebear that Gilbert encounters in the Arctic as he goes on his way to avoid his creator. //

The cracking of wood comforted him, a peaceful reminder that no matter what, he was still alive, sort of, at least he came back from the darkness of eternal slumber.

To think that everything had ended —started— with fire. Gilbert had died, his cursed existence had been consumed by hatred and he had ended his —and his creator's— life with the same burning rage of the storm that had brought him into existence in the first place.

Gilbert took a deep breath, even when he didn't want to, it was hard to begin with the typical human nuances again. It also allowed him to take in his surroundings. To smell, the burnt wood, the smoke and something more, familiar yet he could not name it.

His senses were awakening, one by one, this time it was calming, he remembered the torture of awakening the first time, the overwhelming sensation of being alive and alone in a world he knew nothing about.

Touch came later, he was sitting on the harsh, cold ground, the crispy ashes under him were turning wet with the snowflakes that fell against his skin, but there was something else, something soft, warm, heavy, enveloping him tightly.

Gilbert opened his eyes slowly, darkness surrounding his sight, though it wasn't him not being able to adjust his vision. He turned his head, his cheek against the same soft fur that he could grasp with his fingers. He buried his face on it, taking a deep breath again, the intoxicating smell of pine and smoke filled him with happinesses, a familiarity he didn't know he ached for.

When his body regained from the numbness, Gilbert pushed away the heavy arms enveloping him. Sharp claws drew near his face, caressing his check with the gentleness of a feather.

Gilbert smiled, running his fingers through the gray soft fur. "Ivan, you are here." More than starting a conversation, Gilbert was convincing himself, no matter how many times this silly bear told him; believing his words, his confessions of undying affection, was hard for Gilbert.

When he came across the werebear in the cold vastness of the arctic, his heart and mind had been clouded with the tremulousness of vengeance. Now that all of that was left behind, he was able to feel —and think about— the joyful experience of meeting someone like him.

A creature —possibly more human than him— that understood his loneliness, his thirst for love and acceptance. Someone who would not judge him for his looks, for what he had done in the past but more importantly, someone who would not abandon him.

He raised his stare, sharp white fangs greeted him, yet a playful lick was all the creature gave him. A simple act that made Gilbert's heart ignite with happiness.

"I love you too." he said as he embraced the other in a loving embrace, the dim flames of a campfire illuminating them in the chilly night.

Fire had consumed him in his search of vengeance, but, what would fire mean to him, to them, under the spell of love? Only of one thing was Gilbert sure, he wanted Ivan to provide him with this warmth, to light this tender fire inside him for eternity and beyond.

Hetalia Oneshots/ drabblesWhere stories live. Discover now