Music box (Itapan)

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Feliciano has a soft spot for cute things, he loves to see the chubby faces of cherubins on the paintings, the flower patterns on the summer dresses or the colors in the sweet delicacies of the bakery in the corner.

There were days where he could not find the kind of cute he was craving . On those days, he would always pay a visit to Kiku, there were so many things in his house that each visit would reward him with a new discovery.

Today, he was sipping on the warm tea Kiku had made. The plain white teapot was in itself a cute sight, but what puzzled him was the frown on the other's face. Kiku was not a talkative person, yet, Feliciano didn't mind the silences, he enjoyed them, it was peaceful, it was nice, Kiku was nice but this silence wasn't nice.

Revising his thoughts to understand if he had done something to upset Kiku, Feliciano found himself at loss to what would be bothering him. Except for an old looking music box laying on the table, there were gears scattered and a folded page.
"What is that?" he asked, unfolding the paper, a detailed drawing of the inner view of the box was there.

Kiku sighed. "It's an old gift but I'm afraid I'll have to throw it away, there is no way of fixing it."

"Can I keep it?"

Knitting his eyebrows, Kiku asked. "Why? It no longer works"

"It 's cute." Feliciano said, delivering a smile to the other, Kiku nodded slowly, serving him another cup of tea.

When he made his way out of Kiku's house, Feliciano observed the box, the engraved "Made in Germany" was fading out but still visible, a smug smile crept on his face. He knew exactly where to go now.

A few days passed and Feliciano returned to drink tea at Kiku's home, he tapped his fingers on the table, excitement filling his body.

Once the tea was served, he showed the small box to Kiku, the latter arched an eyebrow, observing the polished wood and the vibrat gold of the ornaments no longer faded.

Kiku glanced at Feliciano's hands, there were traces of paint staining his fingers, a soft smile made his way into his face. "You didn't have to do this"

"I just want to see you happy," Feliciano said, shrugging. "Ludwig helped me fix the pivot."

Taking the music box carefully, Kiku gave it a couple of turns, soon enough a sweet melody started to sound.

Kiku sighed, leaving the box on the table, enveloping him in a hug. "I am very happy, thank you."

Feliciano returned the hug, careful as not to hold him so tight, nothing could wipe the smile off his face for days.

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