Awkward encounters (RusAmeChu)

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The accounting department wasn't that bad, aside from the routinary work, he had nothing to complain about. His coworkers were nice, Tino was able to fix everything within seconds when needed, Francis had explained everything thoroughly -sometimes a bit too much- so Ivan was getting a grip of what he had to do, and the rest of the staff just kept out of his way, until now he had no problems, except one.

As the end of the month approached, Ivan was called in by their boss, a normal check up to see how he adjusted to the team. He found himself blushing like an idiot and stumbling over his words. He was taken aback by the kindness with which the golden haired man in front of him had spoken.

Alfred F Jones was the kind of man that shouldn't be hidden behind a desk, yet here he was,with his rolled up sleeves and his perfect smile. Ivan barely listened to him, more focused on trying not to stare too much at him.

When he exited the office, all he could do was curse at his coworkers for not warning him. How could they forget to tell him that their boss was so handsome?

"How could we know?" Francis had said, patting him on the shoulder, an apologetic smile on his face. "I think you get flustered easily, though Alfred is quite the charming fellow when he wants to,"

He had survived the fiasco by avoiding any unnecessary encounters with him, that is until the new year's celebration approached. Why couldn't they just throw some boring meeting and be done with it? No, the company had gone overboard and arranged an actual party. Tino had told them that it was Alfred's idea to organize something livelier. How had he managed to convince the higher ups? They had no idea.

The row of cars parked on the sidewalk and the muffled sound of music told Ivan that this was going to be a long night, this was by no means a business meeting, there were employees from all the departments. Ivan loosened his tie and took a deep breath, when in Rome, do as the Romans do, right?

He pushed the door, the place was crowded, he recognized Tino doting over someone he did not know, Francis was messing around with Gilbert from the sales department. The Frenchman smiled at him, pointing at where Alfred stood chatting with other people, Ivan shook his head and Francis repeated his motions, winking and giving him a thumbs up.

Ivan sighed, walking over slowly, he could feel his face heating up. No, not today, Ivan thought, turning on his heel and approaching the stools instead. There was only one man sitting there, apparently ignoring the gathering behind his back.

"Is this seat taken?" Ivan asked, the brown haired man beside him looked up, barely acknowledging him with a shrug, his eyes staring at the drink in front of him.

With the corner of his eye, Ivan saw Francis moving his hands franfically, the Frenchman shook his head and crossed his arms, forming an x. Ivan chuckled, he had to let Francis down this time, he was not approaching Alfred, at least not yet.

"You should pay heed to your friend," The man said, taking a sip of his drink. "He seems quite worried,"

Ivan shook his head, motioning to the bartender to get him a drink. "I won't, he wants me to flirt with my boss and I'm not drunk enough for that,"

"But you are drunk enough to speak with me?"

"Actually, this is my first drink of the night," Ivan said, downing his shot of vodka. "Why are you here? Alone I mean, it's obvious that you have to work with us in order to be here."

A chuckle escaped him, Ivan wondered what part of his question was funny, perhaps this man was already drunk.

"I'm not so keen on parties but someone was being too eager for one," The man's golden gaze fixed on him and Ivan's breathing faltered. "I made a bet and am gloriously losing it,"

"What's the bet about?"

"Who's your boss?"

Ivan raised his brows, not expecting the question, his eyes traveled to Alfred and back at his companion. "I'm in the accounting department, so..."

"Alfred F. Jones, you have a good eye," the man replied, taking the last drops of his drink. "The bet says that I have to go there, dance a bit and have a good time but alas, I'm way too old for that,"

"No way," Ivan said, shaking his shoulder, this man was barely older than him, perhaps by some years but he couldn't be considered old as in 'too old for dancing'. "Come on, I'll help you with your bet,"

"What about Alfred?"

"I'll talk with him later," Ivan gave the other a small smile as he extended his hand, those brown eyes scanned the room before smiling back and taking his hand.

"Alright," He said, walking over to the dancing crowd, Ivan could see a devious grin forming on his face. "Tell me, why does your friend want you to flirt with your boss?"

"Because I like him, I mean, he seems nice and all but I can't seem to have a normal conversation with him," Ivan let out a nervous laugh as the other placed his hand on his shoulder. "I just get too flustered, like this,"

"You're doing very well, a bit of doubt is quite endearing,"

"Why did you make such a bet?" Ivan said, praying to whatever god that was listening for his feet not to step over this man.

"Sometimes going out of one's comfort zone proves to be rewarding. I wouldn't have talked with you, if I hadn't made that bet."

Ivan could feel his own heartbeat hastening. Calm down, it's just a small dance, there's nothing weird about getting closer to a stranger while confessing your crush on your boss. Francis and his constant inquiring glances didn't help, his thoughts were interrupted as a hand brushed his cheek.

"I'm starting to think that you are more interested in that friend of yours,"

"I'm sorry," Ivan shook his head, he could feel his face burning with embarrassment. "This is nice, very nice, it's just I don't know where to look, or if I should look at you at all. You have beautiful eyes though,"

Why did he say that?

It was like the office meeting all over again, but ten times worse because he was actually holding this man and he was sure he could feel his shaking hands. As the song came to an end, Ivan was faced with the dreadful prospect of an awkward talk.

"Thank you," The other said, and shot him a warm smile. "It seems like you've caught Alfred's attention,"

"I don't know if I want it anymore," Ivan said, lowering his gaze and offering his hand again, it took all of his courage to gather his words. "I'm Ivan."

"I'm sure we'll keep on seeing each other, Ivan," he said, motioning with his head at the approaching man.

Alfred waved at them, placing a hand on his shoulder as he beamed. "Mr. Wang, I see you are enjoying this little party."

Ivan widened his eyes, glancing from one to the other. Mr. Wang? As in the president's name, all this time he had been making a fool of himself with the head of the company? Ivan wanted to dig a hole and die right then.

"How could I not? Ivan here, is a pleasure to talk with," Mr. Wang said, patting Alfred on the shoulder. "Make sure to keep him around."

Ivan stood there, hoping that if he stayed still he would blend into the wall. Forced to engage in the chatting as he bid him goodbye.

Alfred nodded, a chuckle escaped him as his blue eyes scrutinized him. "Oh, man, you just made me lose a bet,"

"Well, I'm not seeing the daylight again," Ivan said, covering his face with his hands.

"Hey, don't say that, the accounting department is no place for quitters. Don't get too comfortable in flirting with him though, that's my work" Alfred hummed, offering him his hand. "Repay me by dancing a bit with me, you heard him, I have to keep you around,"

Ivan nodded, his embarrassment wouldn't decrease but a sense of achievement flared up. Getting out of one's comfort zone was hard, but he could do it. One awkward dance at time.

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