Chapter 13: Picnic

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Your POV

I put on my outfit for the picnic and look at myself in the mirror. I smile, I can't believe that Tommy and I are actually together. I want to Tweet it so badly but I also don't want to at the same time.I also want to have a private life too. I walked out of the door.

I walk downstairs to see Niki and Wilbur preparing things for the picnic. I sit outside and enjoy the sunny weather.

"Hey Y/n," Tommy greets behind me, it made me jump, "you look- great," he struggles on giving me a compliment.

"Thanks," I smile at him, "you too," he's just wearing his normal red and white shirt, "I see that you're wearing the shirt."

"Yeah, Tubbo and I decided that we should dress up as our Minecraft characters on the last day," he looks over at Tubbo who is helping in the kitchen, Tubbo is wearing a green collar shirt and some jeans.

"Oh, I see," I nod, "I would join but I'm already in these clothes so-"

"Makes sense."


I sit on the picnic blanket as Dream and Sapnap sets up the volleyball net, "thanks for the food Niki," I smile and take a muffin, Niki smiles back and she talks to me, Wilbur and Fundy.

I take a bite of it and then Tommy suddenly comes up to me with a camera, and Tubbo joins in but he holds a stick up to his mouth like a microphone and says, " Miss Y/n, Miss Y/n, can we ask a few questions for the Pogcast irl?"

I smile with my mouth shut and then I look at Tommy and Tubbo, I swallow my muffin, "uh yes, go ahead."

"What is your opinion on bugs?" Tubbo smiles and I think about it for a few seconds.

"Uhh, I don't know, some are cute, but then there's the gross ones and then there's the scary ones," I look at the green grass, "I don't like ants, they annoy me," I take a strawberry and take a bite.

"Do you like women?" Tommy interrupts.

I give him and the camera a look, "well, yeah, women are pig, men are pig and everyone in between are pog, so yeah, I like women."

Tommy nods then before Tubbo asks me another question, "what's it like in Australia?"

"Psh," I look over at S/n, "that's a question for S/n, I haven't been there for 4 years."

"That's a long time," Tubbo says, "do you miss Australia?"

"Well," I look back at the boys, "I guess that I wonder what it's like, what things have changed over time and my old friends and my big brother."

"Oh," Tubbo looks back at the camera and smiles, "well, that's it for the question part of the Pogcast, what do we have next!?"

"Can I join the Pogcast?" I stand up.

"Only if you give us a topic to talk about," Tommy said.

"Oh-" I look around and think about a topic to talk about as my eyes caught a glimpse of a lake with bugs around it, "Tubbo's bug section."

"Bet!" Tubbo runs to the lake, Tommy and I follow him behind, "Okay Pogcast," Tubbo squats near a flower, "if we wait for a few minutes, a bee will come and-"

A bee flies onto the flower, I laugh and Tubbo yells in excitement that makes Tommy burst into laughter. Another bee flies onto the flower and starts adding pollen all over themselves, "I think that they're going to mate," I say looking closer.

"Ah ew," Tubbo backs up while I edge closer.

"WHY ARE YOU LOOKING CLOSER?" Tommy laughs at me.

"They have pollen pants," I point at them and Tommy puts the camera closer, "see!"

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