KENDALL • The Neighbor

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"Yeah yeah I got it-"

"Yes mom I-"

I sigh as I twist my key to open my front door of my apartment holding my phone with my shoulder and ear.

My mom had been complaining about no grandkids at first then it turned into "let's talk about (Y/N) love life" situation.

"Listen I gotta go, love you byeee" I talk over her and open my door. I set my keys and purse on the kitchen counter and sit on a bar stool.

Looking around trying to figure out what to do. It's a Saturday night, 8PM and I'm single. I should be out but instead I spent it volunteering at a nursing home. How lame right?



I grab my phone out of my pocket and see it's my sister calling. "What's up" I answer the phone.

"Ummm. I mean I'm not really busy"

"Yeah let's go to Diamonds bar and grill then"

"Okay see you there at 8:30"

I hang up and walk to my bed room to get ready to go out tonight. I walked in my room and pushed the closet door open to grab a cute little black dress. I quickly zipped it up and grabbed my black stilettos and walked to my makeup table.

Gosh I look tired. I put a little concealer, mascara and lipgloss on to not look too dead today. I took my hair out of my messy bun that's been up all day and let it flow down my shoulders. My hair curled from the bun so it didn't look terrible.

I sighed again deciding to go or not. Hey it's been a long day at work then the nursing home, I could use a little fun.

I grabbed my clutch and a leather jacket and walked out of my room. Grabbing my keys, phone and wallet and shoving them in my purse I opened my front door.

The door closed and I began to lock it with my keys.

"Hey is anyone there?"

I stop and listen to the voice that talked.

"If someone's there please I could use help" I turn around and realize it was my frat boy Kendall yelling from his apartment.

I barely talked to this guy, he wasn't your average frat boy. He wasn't the "bring home new girls every night" type of annoying but more like a "I'm in a boy band and we're constantly making new music and recording until 3AM while I live in an apartment building disturbing others that live here too" type of annoying. But other then that no complaints.

Although I do get hesitant. He's nice and all but he's extremely good looking and that makes me anxious.

I walk to his door and knock.

"Kendall? It's (Y/N) from across the hall" I shout while putting my ear up to the door to listen. "(Y/N)?" Kendall shouts back in a questioning tone.

"Yeah it's me" I yell back. "Oh thank god please come in. The door unlocked, I'm in my room"

My hand reaches the door knob and I turn it and push open the door. I quickly close the door but only to be stopped by the mess I seen. It looks like someone robbed him the way things are spread out and the broken lamp on the floor.

Yikes. I hope he is okay.

I rush to Kendall's room and twist open the door and look to my left. Kendalls bed is in front of me but to the left of the bed is his night stand. That's where I see Kendall, and see his hand is hand cuffed to the drawer.

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