·KENDALL· Mr. Schmidt [Pt. 5]

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I'm guessing that night made quite the impression on (Y/N) because she's been a good girl all week. She hasn't said no to me, she's been following the rules, and she even ended it with Scott. I drove her to the coffee shop they were meeting at, so I could see that she actually did it. Then I noticed how fucking good the dress she was wearing fit her and fucked her right in the backseat of my car. James kept his promise so Carlos and Logan still do not know.

They've been coming over more frequently but I've been getting less and less worried about them finding out.  (Y/N) like to play this game where she sees how much she can tease me before I pull her into a closet and fuck her. I play this game where I see how many times I can make her come before it gets suspicious. None of the girls have bothered me all week and I'm glad they finally got a clue.

Tonight I was taking  (Y/N) out for the first time. I wanted to take her dinner, but then I remembered she hates dinner dates, so we're just going out. I have to admit, I am so excited to show her off. I get to tells guys to fuck off and watch their disappointed faces.

"Ok Kendall I'm ready." She said click clacking down the stairs.

"Holy shit." I swore as I saw her. Her dress was simple but she looked so good in it. It was a backless fitted black dress and her lips were stained cheery red. "We better hurry because if I look at you any longer we'll be here all night." I told her honestly.
"Which car are we taking?" She questioned as I shut the door behind us.

"The Jag because it matches your dress." An adorable giggle left her cherry lips. Just as we approached the jet black car, (Y/N) had me pressed up against the side of it.

"Are you going to behave tonight Kendall?" I nodded.

"Remember, you keep your hands on me and that's all. Understand?" I nodded again.She pressed our lips together. "Good boy." She whispered onto my lips just before stepping away and getting into the car. Over the duration of the drive  (Y/N) kept staring at me. She'd look,bit down on her plumpy bottom lip like she was holding herself back from doing something,and then she'd look away. It took a minute for me to finally catch her in the act.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Nothing." She shook her head. "I was just thinking about how hot you look in all black." She mused unbuckling her seatbelt and leaning over to me. Her finger rushed to undo my pants. I lived for the moments where she was desperate to get me off. Right now would be prefect,if only I could put my hands in her hair,but she'd kill me if I messed up her hair. Plus if I could put my hands in her hair I'd probably forget about driving all together and kill us both. Driving whilst getting head is not an easy task and to make things even better it was getting darker by the minute. Luckily we weren't far so I could stop driving soon and really enjoy what's happening.

Right before I came I noticed this guy staring at me. His confused stare changed to a thumbs up when  (Y/N) head popped up. She leaned back over to her seat and reached down to pick up her small purse while I fixed my pants. I got out of the car rushing over to her side to open the door for her.


I almost moaned just looking at her. What was I thinking having a different girl ever night when I had this one next door every day?

" (Y/N),have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I questioned holding my hand out for her to step out of the car.

"No, you haven't actually."

"I haven't?"

"No Kendall , four months ago you acted like you hated me." I often forget that we've only been like this for two weeks.

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