·CARLOS· Break Up To Make Up

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You've been pacing your apartment for the last half hour.

"When is he getting here?" You asked yourself out loud.

Carlos was coming by to the pick up the last of his things. It had only been a week since you decided to call it quits and this was the first time you'd be seeing him since that night. The show had just been signed for its third season and they were getting ready for yet other tour.

As much as you loved Carlos it was getting too hard, you barely got to see it other anymore. Having to take the hour long drive to his place from yours just to have to get up and leave the next day was taking a toll on you. You thought about just moving to LA but you couldn't afford to live there on your own and you didn't want to ask Carlos if you could move in with him and it was clear he wasn't going to ask you any time soon.

Your thoughts are interrupted when you here the door bell ring and a knock, his little way of letting you know it was him.



You just stand in the door way for a few minutes before Carlos asks if he can come in.

"Oh yeah sorry"

You step out of the way letting him in and close the door behind you.

"So, how have you been?" He asks.

"Alright I guess, you?"

"Honestly? Not good, I miss you."

"Oh Carlos please, don't do this. Just collect your things and leave, please!" You're eyes are starting to fill up with tears as you plead for him to stop.

"I can't, I need you to know how much I love you"

"I know, I do, and it was never about that. I just can't do this anymore, the back and forth from here to there. With the show and tour, I'll never see you. I know when we started dating I said I could handle it, but that was two years ago, and we never thought things would take off like this. I'm SO happy for you but I just can't."

Now you have your face in your hands, the tears you'd been holding back now running like a river and there's nothing you can do to stop them.

Carlos is now standing in front of you, pulling you in for a hung and you let him. Resting your head to his chest you let his familiar smell fill your nose, his strong arms around you.

"I don't want to let you go." It's all you can get out, and for the first time in a long time, it's the honest truth.

"Then don't"

He lifts your chin up, planting a sweet soft kiss to your lips. Normally your head would be screaming no, but for ones it's agreeing with your heart as you kiss him back.

He slowly walks you back to the couch centered in your living room. He has one hand cupping your face, the other behind your back as he gently lays you down, crawling on top of you. You stare into each other's eyes for a moment before you pull him down into other kiss.

He slowly runs his hands, up and under your shirt to feel every inch of you, something he's been missing all week. You both take your time undressing each other, even though it's only been a little more than a week since the last time you felt each other like this, it feels longer, a lot longer. When you're both finally completely naked, your clothes in a pile on the floor, he takes one hand and slowly places it between your legs opening them open so he can sit in between them. He lightly runs his fingers up and down your folds just enough to get you wet, but not to cause too much pleasure, that he wants to do that with the work of his hips. As soon as you're ready he slowly pushes into you one inch of his hardened member at a time, making sure to take his time feeling you. His thrusts are agonizingly slow, but feel so good and you know he's doing it so you both can enjoy this as long as possible.

You push your hips into his simultaneously, deepening the pleasure and making the pase more bearable for both of you, but soon it's not enough and you're pushing him into your more with your ankles.

"Faster Carlos, please. I'm so close"

He does as you request picking up speed slamming harder into you, deeper than you thought possible and soon you're both calling out each other's names in a relief of your orgasms.

He pulls out of you and you move over making enough room for him to lie beside you. As you lay there you start to remember why you broke things off in the first place, but you also remember there was something you needed to ask him.


"Yeah baby?" He replies, kissing your forehead.

"The night I left you tried to tell me something, but I caught you off before you could, what was it?"

"I was going to ask you to move in with me, I actually had it all planned out but then you told me you were leaving."

"I told you why, why didn't you just ask me then?"

"I wanted to, but I thought that if I did you'd think I was just asking because you were leaving, not because I actually wanted you to. That's why I wanted to come here tonight, to tell you that and hopefully win you back." He gives you a small questioning smile, almost as I asking if he had.


Then I'm glad you did."

You lean up giving him a small kiss, curling back up into his arm.

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