·ALL 5SUM· Detention

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You curse under your breath as you walk in to detention seeing that you’re the only girl and if that isn’t bad enough the other bodies belong to the four hottest and most popular guys in school.

The first is James, the school hotty. He surfs, sing, acts, and has the looks of a Greek god. He’s also funny which is something not a lot of people know, but you. You and James were friends a long time a go, back in elementary school when he was chunky and unpopular. But as soon as he started working out and jr high hit you started falling out of touch and when you got to high school you stopped talking all together.

Second is Logan, the school flirt. Even though hes known for always getting the lead in the school plays hes even more well known for his ways with the ladies. Having dated or at least slept with almost every girl in the small privet school you attend, except you, you were the only girl who hadn’t given him the time if day.

Next is Carlos, the class clown. You don’t know much about him. Just that he’s funny. You’ve had spanish with him for the last three years. Sitting right next to him you could listen to him speak that beautiful language all day. But other than sharing notes you hadn’t spoken to him at all.

Lastly, Kendall. He’s the quiet one and the one the ladies swooned over, including yourself. He never seemed to date anyone, always keeping to himself and writing in his little note book. You had taken a peak at it once in English while he was in the bathroom and saw he was writing lyrics. Other than James, you had probably talked to Kendall the most out of anyone. Seeing him at a few shows for some of your favorite bands and going to a few of his bands.

You hand over your detention slip to Ms. Call who sat at a desk in the front of the room.

“Starting off the school yearr just like always I see”

She spoke, signing your slip and handing in back to you. Today was the first say of your senior year. You aren’t new to detention, taking your usual place in the back at one of the big table size desks, walking past the four boys who’s smaller desks are all turned in a circle facing inward. You sit down, catching James staring at you and when he realizes hes been caught, he rolls his eyes directing his attention back to the short brunette sitting next to him who gives you a wink. You look over at Kendall who gives a simple shrug, his eyes soft with knowing and sympathy.

After a few minutes past Ms. Call gets up announcing she has “some business to attend to” which you know as her and Mr. Oliver hooking up in the teachers lounge and she won’t be back till the end of detention which is for another hour and a half. Great a whole hour+ alone with four men, one of whom hates your guts, one you were secretly crushing on, and two who you hadn’t spoken more than five words to in the past four years.

As soon as the rooms teacher free you lie your head down on your desk hoping to sleep away the next hour, but only a moment later you lift your head to see the four men sitting in new desks surrounding yours. You look up at James with a look of confusion, but he simple nods toward Logan who’s sitting directly in front of you. You look at him, giving your best what do you want face.

“Here’s the deal” he begins “I want you, you are the only girl in school that I have had, and I always get what I want.”

You rolls your eyes, could he be truly serious.

“And I know you want me too, you may play if off like you don’t, but you do.”

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