·KENDALL· Mr. Schmidt [Pt. 6]

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"(Y/N)...(Y/N) baby wake up." My shoulders were shaking vigorously as Kendall's soft voice woke me up. I looked up at him. He was fresh out of the shower, fully dressed, and all cologned up.

"What time is it?" I asked him rubbing my eyes.

"9:47." He answered.

"Shit," I popped up. "I didn't make you breakfast."

"It's ok," He chuckled. "You needed to sleep. I have a meeting today and I just wanted to tell you." He leaned down to kiss me. I wrapped my arms around him trapping him down with me.

"You smell good." I whispered.

"(Y/N) if your tits are pressed up against me any longer, I'll go insane." I released him with a chuckle. He looked me up and down. "Fuck I need to get out of here." He ran his fingers through his damp hair turning to leave the room grabbing his SnapBack on the way out.

He knows that thing makes me fucking weak. I quickly grabbed his grey flannel off the floor and threw it on. I heard the front door shut and went down to the kitchen.

My stomach rumbled as soon as I stepped into the room. I started making pancakes when my phone rang suddenly.

"Hello." I spoke into the phone as I put the egg back into the fridge.

"How's everything?" He questioned.

"Everything is great." I put him on speaker phone.

"I haven't gotten any pictures today and I'm kinda disappointed."

"Well last last night you made it seem like you didn't want them."

"I say a lot of things." I could practically feel him shrugging though the phone.

"Alright I'll take some."

"And Gifs." He added.

"Ok Kendall." I cooed. I went to put the milk away, but then I noticed that the carton was empty. "Oh wait I need to go to the grocery store."

"Aw you're probably not going to be home once I get there."

"Are you on your way back already?" I asked walking upstairs to get myself ready to go.

"It was a short meeting I told you."

"No you didn't."

"Oh well I meant to." He chuckled. "I was too busy thinking about your boobs."

"Aren't you always?" I laughed.

"I am actually," We chucked together. "Well I'm gonna let you go to the store, "don't fucking forget my pictures."

"And gifs."

"Fuck yes those too."

"Alright bye Kendall."

"Bye baby." The call ended.

On the drive to the grocery store, I thought a lot about Kendall and I and what we are. I mean technically speaking we're fuck buddies but I feel like calling it that doesn't do what we have justice. I wouldn't exactly mind if he asked me out officially, but I feel like if I leave him to do that on his own, he wouldn't do it. I guess he doesn't know all the benefits he would receive by making this official. There are just somethings that I would do for a boyfriend that I wouldn't do for a fuck buddy, and I'll leave it at that. I still have to consider his past relationships with women though, maybe he's scared of rejection. Rejection is a common fear in men, so that's understandable. At the same time I don't know how capable he is of a relationship, before me he slept with a different woman every night. If this is what I want from him I just have to make him capable. He has to see for himself that's this is what he wants. I haven't told him this yet, but I need to go back home for the weekend for my nieces birthday. Some time apart could help him see, well at least I hope so.

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