Prologue: Same World, A New Goal

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The world of Remnant remained eternally dangerous, always in the brink of chaos and destruction. Whether it from the neighboring kingdoms to the fearsome creatures of the Grimm, humanity was constantly in peril and peace was just a veil to hide that truth. Years, decades have passed and that peace seemed to have taken hold on the hearts of humans across Remnant; the leaders have accepted it and so did the common folk especially.

But things are never only black and white.

A gray line always sits in between the contrasting personalities of reality, one that all have crossed and stood on.

Prosperity, security, and happiness are achievable by everyone, but so are corruption, deceit, and despair. Many claimed to be on the right side, but many also said that they are not. Humans clashed against one another because of their ideals and only the victorious write in history those what they believe are right, and newer generations accepted those rights.

From those beliefs came change. The world of Remnant has morphed into what the victorious of the past have struggled for, albeit roughly. It wasn't their ideal world; it was imperfect, but it was one where the newer generations can pick up where they left off, to continue on to the path of an ideal world.

Salem, however, did not adhere to the wishes of the new generation. She wished it destroyed. The feud between her and Ozma brought countless to die in their stead. They fail to see that the heart of humanity still lingered in them, and Salem was especially blind to this. Whether the reason was she truly didn't know or refused to acknowledge it was a question no one in Remnant of today will ask.

The Brother Gods have left Salem with the curse of immortality in order to make her realize the errors of her ways before they left Remnant altogether in disappointment towards humanity, shattering the moon in the process. It was there when Salem swore to destroy the gods.

However, one obscure god stayed behind. This god was a different breed of celestial being in which they are more... human. They know all emotions that humans harbor and from it, there is sympathy, for humanity and for Salem. Their power was miniscule compared to the Brother Gods, hence their obscurity, but they used it to their advantage, ever so the crafty one.

They have seen the outcome of Salem's hatred in many realities. From the Fall of Beacon to the destruction of Atlas and even the total annihilation of humanity as a whole in one universe, this god has seen even more destruction and death, just like it had once did millennia ago. Salem's heart was far too corrupted in the present day, but this god chose to look the other way.

This god took it up on themselves to create a new universe where humanity has a greater chance to survive and bring forth a new future that was once unattainable in the past.

This is the God of Opportunity and Rebirth.

This god knows better than to intervene in the bout of mortals, but they will help humanity achieve the greatest it can be so that it can finally redeem itself to the Brother Gods and perhaps bring the corrupted back to the fold. This god adored humanity and believed that they have the potential to be the greatest creation in the universe.

Through the God of Opportunity and Rebirth, the world of Remnant has changed. They saved a kingdom from falling and helped it rebuild, becoming one of the major kingdoms. This new nation is known as the Kingdom of Renascence, owing its name to the God of Opportunity and Rebirth. From it came countless more talents that lent their hands into creating a brighter future. In that moment, the God of Opportunity and Rebirth said to themselves;

"Why did my brothers not grant humanity this chance? Why must they abandon this 'experiment' of theirs? A spark of life so flawed yet harbored infinite potential. Perhaps they were as blind to that fact as Salem was to her mistakes millennia ago..."

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