Chapter 10: Fanning the Fires

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- Highways, along the pursuit... -

Blake and Sun somehow made it to the highways, jumping down into the busy street and continuing their escape by hopping on cars while the Paladin follows them by pushing vehicles out of the way. Sun pauses to look at their pursuer's path of destruction and offer a quick "Whoa!" before leaping onto more cars, much to the anger of Roman inside the robot, his face surrounded by blue holographic screens.

Yang and Neptune are able to follow the mech suit on their ride, coming up next to it as it runs.

"We've gotta slow it down!" Yang says to Neptune who agrees.

"Got it!"

Neptune reaches for his gun, but Roman notices the pair on his sensors and crashes into a multitude of cars with the Paladin's strong bulk, sending them flying towards his chasers.

"Hold on!" Yang instructs Neptune as she prepares to make a maneuver.


Yang swerves, leaning her bike to the side in avoidance of flying debris while Neptune flails in a panic. Back on two wheels again, Neptune unslings his weapon, aims as sparks start flying, and fires several bolts of blue electricity at the Paladin, causing Roman to grimace from the force of the attacks.

Switching strategies, Neptune flips the gun and it grows a shaft and an energy blade at the end, then jumps from Yang's bike as the spear's head splits in three and drives it into the top of the Paladin. Sun and Blake pause in their car-hopping to look back.

"Neptune, hang on!" Yang calls out to him.

Neptune is trying his best, but the mech keeps bucking and threatens to make him fall. Closing his eyes, Sun smashes his palms together, and from the golden Aura around him, his Semblance creates two glowing outlines that copy their creator, leaping off and going back over the tops of vehicles to collide into the Paladin's front. They explode into blinding light upon contact to let Sun leap forward with Ruyi Bang and Jingu Bang held high, but Roman finally turns enough to send Neptune flying off and knocking into his leader, sending both of them off the highway.

As Blake looks on from her spot, she hears a voice from her Scroll:

"Blake! We're in position!" Weiss sounds through the call.

Ahead of them on the highway, Weiss and (Morado) are indeed in position to stop Roman in his tracks. They are seen ahead, holding Myrtenaster and Amethyst Leaf respectively at the approaching Roman. The crime boss smiles as his robot charges the two, but a loud crack emanated in the air and is followed by the Paladin being disoriented from whatever hit it.

"Good shot, Millie!" (Morado) calls out to the apparent perpetrator of the powerful shot as he collapses Amethyst Leaf to its segmented form.

(Morado) charges forth and extends his weapon to its longest possible length and strikes at the stumbling Paladin. He aims at the feet, briefly binding the mech and stunning it and giving Weiss ample time to make her move. (Morado) then evades to the side of the freeway and out of the Paladin's way.

With Roman in the Paladin losing balance, Weiss spins and plunges her blade into the ground, summoning a circle of ice across the pavement that causes the Paladin to slip and crash, actually flying over the young students and falling off the ramp, landing further down before Ruby, already having her Crescent Rose out in scythe form while the rest caught up just in time.

The Paladin stands back up, and the rest of Team RWBY falls beside their leader to take up positions. Roman chuckles, moving the robot slowly towards the girls.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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